Jamie Tanna's profile image

Hi, I'm Jamie Tanna (he/him/his), and I'm currently a Senior Software Engineer at Elastic.

I currently live in Nottingham with my partner Anna Dodson and our cat Morph and our puppy Cookie.

I use my site as a method of blogging about my learnings, as well as sharing information about projects I have previously, or are currently, working on in my spare time.

I'm an maintainer for a number of Open Source projects, including oapi-codegen, and my most recent passion project, dependency-management-data (DMD) and the SAAS platform behind it, deps.fyi.

I'm a GNU/Linux user, a big advocate for the Free Software Movement, and the IndieWeb movement and I try to self host my own services where possible, instead of relying on other providers.

I have ADHD (Inattentive Type) and am learning how to make my life work better around it.

Drop me an email at hi@jamietanna.co.uk, or using any of the other social links below.

My birthday is on the .


Listened to Funding Impact Measurement Working Group by CHAOSS Project 
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In this episode of the CHAOSScast, host Alice Sowerby introduces guests Dawn Foster, Cailean Osborne, and Paul Sharratt to discuss the newly formed 'Funding Impact Measurement Working Group' within the CHAOSS community. The panel explores the group's origins, goals, and objectives, emphasizing the importance of mixed method approaches to assess the impact of funding on open source projects. They highlight the significance of both quantitative and qualitative methods to understand the effects of funding better and share insights on creating standardized frameworks for impact assessment. The discussion also touches on the challenges of public versus private funding, the nuances of financial support in open source projects, and the potential benefits of having a collaborative, open forum for related discussions. Hit download now to hear more!


Listened to Open Source Security: CRA with Luis Villa
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In this episode, open source legal expert Luis Villa breaks down what the EU's Cyber Resilience Act means for developers and businesses, exploring carve-outs for individual contributors and the complex relationship between security and sustainability. Luis provides practical guidance on navigating this evolving regulatory landscape while explaining why the CRA represents both a challenge and an opportunity for the open source ecosystem. The blog post for this episode can be found at


Listened to Request // Response | Separating deployment from release, API-first development, and the future of developer experience | John Kodumal (co-founder & fmr CTO LaunchDarkly)
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On the first episode of Request // Response, I speak with John Kodumal, co-founder and former CTO of LaunchDarkly.We discussed how LaunchDarkly used feature flags to separate deployment from release, offering fine-grained control for safer rollouts and experimentation.LaunchDarkly was an early...


Listened to Open Source Security: Open Source Malware with Brian Fox
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Brian Fox discusses findings from a recent Sonatype report about the growing challenge of malicious packages in open source repositories. At the time of recording there are now over 820,000 malware packages in public repositories. Brian explains why certain ecosystems are more vulnerable than others and how behavioral detection methods can identify suspicious packages, and the challenge in solving this problem. The blog post for this episode can be found at


Reposted lornajane (@lornajane@indieweb.social)
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Attached: 1 image How does your calendar look on Wednesday? Join us for the online OpenUK digital meetup at lunchtime. I've pinned down two open source project maintainers from projects you might have heard of (Kubernetes and PHP) to get their open source stories and some advice that the rest of us can use! See you there https://www.meetup.com/openuk/events/306591774/?eventOrigin=home_next_event_you_are_hosting


Reposted Batch Bunch (@batchbunch.dev)
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BATCH BUNCH #0003 is complete. A fun-filled, productive session comes to a close! This time, we welcomed an attendee all the way from London and, universally, marveled at 'felting' being done IRL by another attendee. Hobbies FTW. See you next time? 🖱️⌨️🌐😌☕️