
Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image State of Open Con 25 will be back on 4 and 5 February and our CFP is now open across 7 tracks until 8 December. Successful speakers will be notified by 20 December when the Schedule will go live. Our tracks will cover software and security, hardware, data, mobile, finance, future of open source and future of AI. We will again have an incredible Delegate Experience area. Submit to the Call for Proposals: #soocon #stateofopen #cfp


Listened to What's new with GrimoireLab, the open-source community analytics platform by CHAOSS Project 
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In this episode, host Georg Link is joined by guests Courtney Robertson and Santiago (Santi) Dueñas to discuss the latest updates and future directions of GrimoireLab, an open-source tool designed to analyze community health metrics. They dive into how GrimoireLab originated, its current usage, and how organizations like WordPress and Bitergia are utilizing it for community contribution tracking. They explore the challenges of scaling the tool and the needs for further automation and data source integration. Courtney shares insights on how WordPress uses GrimoireLab to track contributors, improve sustainability, and automate reporting, while Santi explains the technical evolution of GrimoireLab, including moving to OpenSearch and improving database performance. Hit download now to hear more!


Liked Cat Hicks (
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My wife is gone & meals are often a question mark when I'm alone. Luckily I'm steered by the same cognitive tricks as your average toddler - if it's chopped up small I'll eat it so gotta chop vegs - peanut butter + oatmeal +chocolate chips if I can't think of anything - eat anywhere but sitting


Liked ADHD
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I woke up this morning, took a pill, and proceeded to have one of the most productive writing days I've had in perhaps years. The day prior, a doctor diagnosed me with Adult ADHD. I finally drew the unfortunate trauma diagram that's been in my head for years now. In a pretty short timefra


Liked Matt Brunt (
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Y'know when you feel your whole body let go of stress that you'd pushed into the background so you could keep functioning day-to-day because life is too busy right now and there's so many other things to be dealing with and you suddenly feel like crying with emotion because after all the shit there's finally some good news? Yeah. That.


Aside from some crappy commentary about "working by committee" and "cancel culture", there was some interesting bits in this

Listened to Rails is having a moment (again) with David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH), creator of Ruby on Rails (Changelog Interviews #615)
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(Includes expletives) David Heinemeier Hansson (DHH), creator of Ruby on Rails and co-owner of 37signals, joined the show to discuss this Rails moment and renewed excitement for Rails. We discuss hard opinions, developers being cooked too long in the JavaScript soup, finding developer joy, the pros and cons of the BDFL...


Liked Matt Brunt (
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Usually "unlimited holiday" is a red flag This year I'll have taken a total of 41 days of holiday (including the legally required minimum of 28 days here in the UK) It's nice to be able to actually use extra without being made to feel guilty or have it dangled like a carrot but never given