Week Notes 25#08 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-02-24?
Week Notes 25#08 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-02-24?
Creating single-purpose RSS feeds with Hugo (2 mins read).
How to create a new RSS feed in Hugo for a single page's updates.
Creating a test harness for validating Renovate Custom Datasource configuration (4 mins read).
How to set up a test harness to make it eaiser to modify scary looking JSONata transformations in your Renovate configuration.
Week Notes 25#07 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-02-17?
Product requirements for a "fund your dependency tree" service (12 mins read).
Thinking about what functionality I would want as a funder, or a fundee, for a "fund your dependency tree" service.
I'm on Fallthrough: Patching Problems with Persnickety Proxies Purveyed by Paternalistic Princes (2 mins read).
Announcing my appearance as a guest host on Fallthrough, discussing the Go module proxy, pondering 'is Go dead?' and whether the Go team at Google have our best interests at heart.
Week Notes 25#06 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-02-10?
Go 1.24's omitzero
is another one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years (4 mins read).
Why I'm very excited about the JSON tag, omitzero
, landing in Go 1.24.
Week Notes 25#05 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-02-03?
Celebrating dependency-management-data's second birthday (7 mins read).
Reflecting on the last year of the project.
Week Notes 25#04 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-01-27?
Go 1.24's go tool
is one of the best additions to the ecosystem in years (8 mins read).
Why I'm very excited about go tool
landing in Go 1.24.
Week Notes 25#03 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-01-20?
Getting access to rich-text data from the clipboard (on Linux) (1 mins read).
How to use xclip
to retrieve rich-text output from the clipboard.
Why is zsh no longer storing history? (1 mins read).
Spoiler: you may be missing both HISTSIZE
Week Notes 25#02 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-01-13?
Accessing private Go modules in a Docker container (3 mins read).
How to use a Personal Access Token or SSH to access a private Go module, from a Docker container.
Week Notes 25#01 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2025-01-06?
Getting all comments from a given user on a GitHub Discussion (2 mins read).
How to use the GitHub GraphQL API to retrieve all comments from top-level or reply comments on a GitHub Discussion.
Week Notes 24#53 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-12-30?
2024's Music In Review (5 mins read).
What music was I listening to in 2024?
What level of access do I have on that GitHub repository? (2 mins read).
How to check, via the GitHub API, what access a given user has on a repository.
2024's Site In Review (3 mins read).
How did my site perform in 2024?
Week Notes 24#52 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-12-23?
Week Notes 24#51 (5 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-12-16?
Blocking 'Similar' and 'Because you like ...' suggestions on reddit with uBlock Origin (1 mins read).
How to use uBlock Origin to remove reddit's suggestions in your home feed.
Week Notes 24#50 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-12-09?
You can now resolve remote presets when using Renovate's local
platform in renovate-graph
(2 mins read).
Announcing a new release of renovate-graph
, which can now follow github>
and local>
Some mixed thoughts on The Changelog Podcast Universe (3 mins read).
Some reflections on the bittersweet news about the The Changelog Podcast Universe.
Week Notes 24#49 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-12-02?
Creating renovate-packagedata-diff
to diff Renovate package data dumps (3 mins read).
Announcing the release of renovate-packagedata-diff
which makes it possible to provide a semantic diff between different Renovate package data dumps.
Some useful SQL(ite) tips I've learned (5 mins read).
A collection of SQLite snippets I've picked up recently to improve my queries.
Week Notes 24#48 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-11-25?
I'm a recipient of the 2024 October Engineering Monthly Award Recognition at Elastic (1 mins read).
Announcing winning the 2024 October Engineering Monthly Award Recognition at Elastic.
Gotcha: PersistentPostRunE
only runs on successful commands in Cobra (3 mins read).
A possible gotcha when using Cobra to perform cleanup in a PersistentPostRunE
Week Notes 24#47 (5 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-11-18?
Creating a Neovim plugin for my standup updates (3 mins read).
Documenting some of my thoughts about writing a (Python) Neovim plugin.
The joy of an asynchronous, always updating standup (5 mins read).
Describing how my team does standups across a globally distributed team.
Creating a private mirror of the Renovate docs (5 mins read).
How to set up a copy of Renovate's documentation, pinned to an older version, for your organisation.
Week Notes 24#46 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-11-11?
Lessons learned adding OpenTelemetry to a (Cobra) command-line Go tool (10 mins read).
Some reflections on what I've found good and not so good about instrumenting a command-line tool with OpenTelemetry.
Week Notes 24#45 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-11-04?
Summarising the skipReason
s for Renovate data exports (2 mins read).
How to work out what skipReason
s you have for your Renovate package data.
Week Notes 24#44 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-10-28?
How to diff two datetimes (1 mins read).
How to get the number of seconds, minutes, and a human-readable time comparison between two datetimes.
Week Notes 24#43 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-10-21?
Week Notes 24#42 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-10-14?
Why has Firefox 133 lost all my tabs? (2 mins read).
Recounting an issue I'm seeing with Firefox 133 where it creates a new profile, and how to resolve it.
Creating a /slashes page (1 mins read).
Creating a collection of all the /slash pages I have across my site.
Week Notes 24#41 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2024-10-07?
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