Pretty Printing JSON on the Command Line with Go (1 mins read).

Using Go's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
Pretty Printing JSON on the Command Line with Go (1 mins read).
Using Go's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
Reading all of stdin
on the command-line with Go (1 mins read).
How to read the whole of stdin
, up to EOF, with Go.
Week Notes 22#07 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-02-14?
Exporting a Git repo as an archive (1 mins read).
How to export a Git repo as an archive format, such as a .tar.gz
or a .zip
How to interpolate a property inside Spring Security @PreAuthorize
/ @PostAuthorize
(3 mins read).
How to use the value of a property in a Spring Security authorization statement.
Combining an Audio-only and Video-only MP4 with ffmpeg
on the command-line (1 mins read).
How to use ffmpeg
to combine two MP4 files, where each file contains audio and video separately.
Week Notes 22#06 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-02-07?
Adding a Wiretap to a Spring WebFlux WebClient
to Log All Request/Response Data (2 mins read).
How to log all request/response data from a Spring Webflux WebClient
Determining if the Spring Boot Application is Running in Debug or Trace Mode (3 mins read).
How to determine if your Spring Boot application is running in debug mode, for instance to selectively enable other features of your application.
Simplifying Spring (Boot) ExceptionHandler
s by extending ResponseStatusException
(1 mins read).
How to drive HTTP response status codes from exceptions by extending Spring's ResponseStatusException
Bundling Multi-File OpenAPI Documents into a Single File (2 mins read).
Looking at the options we have for converting a multi-file OpenAPI specification to a single document.
, a client-side OpenAPI Viewer (1 mins read).
Creating a hosted version of a local and client-side only OpenAPI viewer.
Generating Favicons using ImageMagick on the Command-Line (1 mins read).
How to generate a multi-size favicon.ico
on the command-line using ImageMagick.
Please Add a Relevant Publish Time to Blog Posts (2 mins read).
A request to bloggers to not use midnight as the time they publish an article.
Excluding Filter
s When using WebMvcTest
(1 mins read).
How to exclude specific Filter
s from running when performing WebMvcTest
Capturing HTTP Requests with okhttp's MockWebServer.takeRequest
(1 mins read).
How to use MockWebServer
's takeRequest
method to verify that HTTP request(s) are sent correctly.
Integration Testing Your Spring WebClient
s with okhttp's MockWebServer
(5 mins read).
How to write integration tests using MockWebServer
with Spring Boot, for use with WebClient
Week Notes 22#05 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-01-31?
Generate Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) from OpenAPI Model Definitions with Gradle (2 mins read).
How to generate POJOs really quickly and easily, with no manual work, using the Gradle openapi-generator Plugin.
Running Elements API Viewer to Verify Local OpenAPI/Swagger Documents (2 mins read).
How to run Elements UI locally to visualise OpenAPI documents.
I don't think you should be logging that? π³ (12 mins read).
Common pitfalls and dangerous things that you should be watching out for in your log messages.
Validating a MockMvc
Response Has No Content Type (1 mins read).
How to validate, in a MockMvc
test, whether the response has no content-type
nor a body.
Replacing Text in Vim with the Output of a Command (1 mins read).
How to replace text under the cursor with the output of a command.
Integration Testing Your Spring RestTemplate
s with RestClientTest
, using spring-test (8 mins read).
How to write integration tests using RestClientTest
with Spring Boot, for use with RestTemplate
and RestTemplateBuilder
Running Swagger UI to Verify Local OpenAPI/Swagger Documents (2 mins read).
How to run Swagger UI locally to visualise OpenAPI documents.
Week Notes 22#04 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-01-24?
Create Executables, not Shell Aliases or Functions (2 mins read).
Why I create standalone executable scripts instead of shell aliases or functions.
Announcing spring-content-negotiator
, a Java Library for Content Negotiation with Spring (1 mins read).
Releasing a new library that can support content negotiation in Spring (Boot) applications, i.e. in Filter
s or ExceptionHandlers
Getting Started with jMolecules and the (Classical) Onion Architecture, with a Spring Boot project (6 mins read).
A guided example of converting a Spring Boot project to the Onion Architecture pattern.
Week Notes 22#03 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-01-17?
How to Create and Unit Test Java Bean Validation Annotations (12 mins read).
A guided example through what the different type of annotation ElementType
s are, with respect to Bean Validation, and how to write unit tests for them.
Codifying Your Technical / Architectural Standards with ArchUnit (7 mins read).
How to use ArchUnit to codify your technical standards to reduce code review requirements, and arrive at a more consistent codebase.
Appending to a Querystring using Go (1 mins read).
How to append query parameters in a URL in Go.
Don't Just String Append to a Querystring (1 mins read).
Why you shouldn't use concatenate strings together to append to a querystring.
Simplifying Spring (Boot) ExceptionHandler
s with ResponseStatus
Annotations (2 mins read).
How to use annotations to drive HTTP response codes from a Spring ExceptionHandler
Use SLF4J, not Log4J, as Your Logging Interface (3 mins read).
Why we should be using the interface API for logging, rather than the underlying implementation's API.
Using the Facade Pattern to More Easily Test static
or Complex Classes (2 mins read).
How to use the Facade design pattern to more easily test classes that are more complex than our tests need to understand.
Mocking void
methods with Mockito (1 mins read).
How to Mock a void
method with Mockito, for instance to throw an exception.
Thoughts on Social Media Anonymity (4 mins read).
My thoughts on the protection of social media anonymity.
Content Negotiation with Servlet Filter
in Spring (Boot) (3 mins read).
How to perform content-negotiation in a Servlet Filter
, to serve the correct representation of error to a consumer, based on the Accept
Content Negotiation with ControllerAdvice
and ExceptionHandler
s in Spring (Boot) (5 mins read).
How to perform content-negotiation in a Spring ExceptionHandler
, to serve the correct representation of error to a consumer, based on the Accept
Error Handling in (Spring) Servlet Filters (2 mins read).
How to return HTTP errors when a Java Servlet fails with Spring (Boot).
Week Notes 22#02 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-01-10?
'Knowing Me, Knowing You': Wiggly ears, custom pizzas and a burst appendix (5 mins read).
A copy of answers to the DSA's 'Knowing Me, Knowing You'.
Announcing uuid
, a Java Library for UUID Validation (1 mins read).
Releasing a new library that can be used to validate UUIDs in Java.
Validating UUIDs with Regular Expressions in Java (1 mins read).
How to validate UUIDs and UUIDv4s in Java with a regex.
Auditing with Spring Boot Actuator (9 mins read).
How to use Spring Boot Actuator for your audit and business event logging needs.
Returning a Value, or a Default, From a Java Optional
(1 mins read).
How to replace imperative code with a functional style, when returning a default value for a Java Optional
Building an Automagically Updating Personal README for GitLab and GitHub (2 mins read).
Announcing the publishing of as well as automagically updating READMEs in my GitLab and GitHub profiles.
Adding both an ObjectMapper
and a YAMLMapper
to Spring Boot (2 mins read).
How to have an ObjectMapper
and a YAMLMapper
coexisting in a Spring Boot project's bean dependencies.