Week Notes 20#23 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-06-01?
Week Notes 20#23 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-06-01?
Review: mycookiedough Delivery (2 mins read).
Reviewing our first mycookiedough delivery, and the corresponding sugar rush that came with it.
GitLab CI Shell Executor failing builds with ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
(1 mins read).
How to work around ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1
errors with GitLab CI's shell executor.
GitLab CI Shell Executor Failing Builds With No Such Directory
(1 mins read).
How to work around No Such Directory
errors with GitLab CI's shell executor.
Deploying a Branch to Netlify on the Command-Line (1 mins read).
How to use Netlify's Node CLI to deploy a given branch to Netlify.
Generating JWK Thumbprints with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to generate JWK thumbprints with Ruby.
Generating JWK Thumbprints with Node.JS (1 mins read).
How to generate JWK thumbprints with Node.JS.
How are Open Banking Key Ids (kid
) Generated? (1 mins read).
Sharing insight into how Open Banking has generated their kid
s for use with JWTs.
Week Notes 20#22 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-05-24?
How to Run Java on the Command-Line to Attach a Debugger (1 mins read).
How to run java
on the command-line, and make it possible to attach a debugger.
Extract a Public Cert from a Java Keystore/Truststore (1 mins read).
How to export the public certificate from a Java keystore.
Evicting Spring Cache on a Schedule (1 mins read).
How to evict Spring Cache's @Cacheable
data on a schedule.
No default controller available
With bluetoothctl
(1 mins read).
One possible solution for the No default controller available
error message with bluetoothctl
Migrating to Netlify's Deployments from GitLab CI (3 mins read).
Moving to avoid flaky deployments, and trying to reduce deployment times.
How to avoid HttpMessageNotReadableException
when using ContentCachingRequestWrapper
with Java Servlet Filters (1 mins read).
How to avoid receiving Required request body is missing
errors when using a ContentCachingRequestWrapper
Reading a Servlet/Spring Request Body Multiple Times (2 mins read).
How to read the request body more than once using Java Servlet Filters.
Week Notes 20#21 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-05-17?
Disabling @Valid
Annotation in a Spring Integration Test (1 mins read).
How to disable @Valid
validation in Spring Integration Tests.
Converting Output from Rest Assured to Curl Requests (3 mins read).
How to convert the log output from Rest Assured to a curl
Week Notes 20#20 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-05-10?
Navigating through the Vim Changelist with Intellij (2 mins read).
How to use g;
and g,
using IntelliJ's IdeaVim plugin to cycle through changes in a file.
Running Spotless Automagically with Gradle (2 mins read).
How to set Gradle configuration globally to always run spotlessApply
in your projects.
Rendering Micropub Client Data on Posts (2 mins read).
Sharing more information about Micropub clients that have created a post, if possible.
Week Notes 19 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-05-03?
Changing the Structure of Homebrew Website Club Nottingham (3 mins read).
Looking to change the format of Homebrew Website Club Nottingham so it works better as a remote event.
Gotcha: AWS SDK Proxy Setup with Test Kitchen (2 mins read).
How to avoid odd proxy issues when using the AWS SDK, when using Test Kitchen.
Determining What Motherboard You're Using, On Linux (1 mins read).
How to determine what motherboard the machine you're using is reporting, on the command-line with Linux.
Creating a 'Firehose' Feed (2 mins read).
Splitting out my content feeds, so it's (hopefully) more applicable and less noisy for consumers.
Week Notes 18 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-04-27?
Extracting x5c
s from a JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) to PEM files with Ruby (1 mins read).
How to extract the full chain of certificates from a JWKS' x5c
parameter to files.
Autogenerating the Date
Header in Postman (1 mins read).
How to generate and send a Date
header using Postman.
Week Notes 20#17 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-04-20?
New Desk/Office Setup (6 mins read).
Sharing the new layout for our office, and my new desk setup with my new Dell UltraSharp.
Converting a Byte Array to String with Buffer
in Node.JS (1 mins read).
How to convert an array of bytes to a String using Node.JS's Buffer
Week Notes 20#16 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-04-13?
GitLab Runner Docker TCP Error (2 mins read).
Fixing the cannot connect to the Docker daemon
error with GitLab Runner and Docker.
Inheriting the Proxy from the Jenkins Host in Docker (1 mins read).
How to pass proxy variables from your Jenkins host to your Docker containers.
Inheriting the Environment Variables from the Jenkins Host in Docker (2 mins read).
How to pass environment variables from your Jenkins host to your Docker containers.
Week Notes 20#15 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-04-06?
Being a Bad POSIX Citizen (2 mins read).
Owning up to using GNU coreutils, even on BSDs, because I'm lazy.
Tomcat May Log Cookies Out-of-the-Box (3 mins read).
Warning you about cookies being logged out-of-the-box, and how to resolve it.
Providing Custom Serialization for Map
Keys in Jackson (1 mins read).
How to configure Jackson to use a custom method to serialise keys for a Map
Week Notes 20#14 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-03-30?
Week Notes 20#13 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-03-23?
Toggling Your Bluetooth Connection using bluetoothctl
on the Command-Line (1 mins read).
How to script bluetoothctl
to toggle your connection to a Bluetooth device.
Week Notes 20#12 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-03-16?
Platform-Aware @-mentioning People on my Blog (2 mins read).
More easily mentioning others on my posts, and improving my interactions with Twitter syndication.
Extract a Private Key from a Java Keystore (1 mins read).
How to export an asymmetric PrivateKeyEntry
entry from a Java keystore.
Splitting an X509 PEM-Encoded Certificate Bundle into Multiple Files (1 mins read).
Splitting a certificate bundle into separate files using split
or awk
Week Notes 20#11 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2020-03-09?