Using <details>
tags for HTML-only UI toggles (3 mins read).
How using the <details>
HTML tag can provide a toggleable UI element with only built-in HTML.
Using <details>
tags for HTML-only UI toggles (3 mins read).
How using the <details>
HTML tag can provide a toggleable UI element with only built-in HTML.
Creating a /now page (1 mins read).
Joining the Now Movement by creating a /now page.
Implementing h-feed, and making all site content discoverable (2 mins read).
Announcing h-feeds for this website, and making it easier to read non-blog posts.
PHPMiNDS May: Running your PHP site on AWS Lambda with Bref (3 mins read).
The May edition of the PHPMiNDS meetup, and things I've learnt about porting existing applications to AWS Lambda.
Re-enabling search on my static website (2 mins read).
Announcing the re-enabling of search functionality on my static website.
Verify if a field in a JSON response is not set with Rest Assured (1 mins read).
How to verify whether a field is not present in a JSON Rest Assured Response
Pretty Print JSON with Java (1 mins read).
How to pretty print a JSON object using Java and Jackson.
Gotcha: URL Encoding for consecutive double slashes issue with Rest Assured (2 mins read).
How to workaround consecutive double slashes being URL encoded (as %2F
s) in Rest Assured.
PHPMiNDS April (2 mins read).
A recap of PHPMiNDS' April meetup.
Marking up my pronouns with Microformats (2 mins read).
Adding my pronouns to my personal h-card to help others determine how I identify.
Tech Nottingham April (5 mins read).
A recap of Tech Nottingham's April meetup.
Prettier HTML Reports for Cucumber-JVM (2 mins read).
How to generate prettier HTML reports for Cucumber with cucumber-reporting
and cucumber-reporting-plugin
, with and without Jenkins.
Using Netlify for hosting in Production (2 mins read).
Announcing my move to Netlify for hosting
Adding a JSON Feed to my site (1 mins read).
Setting up JSON feed for site for better interoperability with the IndieWeb.
Viewing X.509 DER Certificate Fingerprints with OpenSSL (1 mins read).
How to view an X.509 DER certificate's fingerprint using openssl
Viewing X.509 PEM Certificate Fingerprints with OpenSSL (1 mins read).
How to view an X.509 PEM certificate's fingerprint using openssl
Hello IndieAuth! (1 mins read).
Setting up my IndieAuth provider for interacting with IndieWeb applications everywhere.
Pretty Printing JSON with Ruby (1 mins read).
Using Kernel.jj
to pretty print Ruby objects as JSON objects.
Hello IndieNews! (2 mins read).
Discovering IndieNews and starting to syndicate my posts to it.
Specifying datetime in your Hugo posts' front matter (1 mins read).
Setting your posts' date
to a datetime string to specify the time a post was published at.
Marking up Events with Microformats (1 mins read).
Announcing the events content type and their markup with h-event
Beyond Rest: The Future of Web APIs (8 mins read).
A writeup of the meetup talking about what could come next for APIs.
Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham, Session 1 (2 mins read).
A recap of our first Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham.
Easily rewriting Git URLs from HTTPS to SSH and vice versa (2 mins read).
How to use Git's config to rewrite HTTPS URLs to SSH and vice versa, for repo pushes and pulls.
Adding the microformats h-entry markup to my blog posts (1 mins read).
Announcing the addition of the h-entry
markup to my blog posts.
Displaying Webmentions on my Hugo website (3 mins read).
How and why I've gone about getting Webmentions rendered on my static Hugo site.
Setting up a personal hCard for myself (2 mins read).
Setting up an hCard to allow microformats parsing for details about myself.
Homebrew Website Club: Nottingham (2 mins read).
Thoughts about setting up the first Homebrew Website Club in Nottingham.
I'm Not Good With People (12 mins read).
A bit of a raw look about how I'm really poor in social situations, how I've got to this realisation, and how I want to do better about it.
Verifying Signed JWTs (JWS) with Node.JS (3 mins read).
How to use the jsonwebtoken and node-jose libraries to verify the signature of a Signed JSON Web Token (JWS) with Node.JS.
Moving to reveal-hugo (3 mins read).
Migrating my custom Reveal.JS setup to using reveal-hugo.
Performing a No-Op with chef-client
using JSON (2 mins read).
How to perform a chef-client
run without executing anything.
FOSDEM 2019 (31 mins read).
Recapping my time at the Free and Open Source Developers Europe Meeting conference in Brussels.
Using git worktree
to have multiple branches checked out at once (4 mins read).
How to use git worktree
to check out multiple Git branches from the same repo at once.
Using Git refs to help track your GitLab Environments, from your local repo (2 mins read).
How to pull the Git refs that GitLab Environments exposes in your GitLab repo.
Using Git refs to check out GitHub Pull Requests, from your local repo (2 mins read).
How to pull the Git refs for Pull Requests to your GitHub repo.
Using Git refs to check out GitLab Merge Requests, from your local repo (2 mins read).
How to pull the Git refs for Merge Requests to your GitLab repo.
Performing Code Review on Your own Merge/Pull Requests (4 mins read).
Why the first step to getting others to review your code is to review it yourself.
Pretty Printing JSON using Node.JS on the Command Line (1 mins read).
Using Node.JS's JSON module to pretty print JSON objects from the command line.
Automating Promotion of Jekyll Posts from Draft to Post (2 mins read).
The handy script I've created to automate publishing a draft in Jekyll, with handy Zsh + Bash autocomplete.
Converting X.509 and PKCS#8 .pem
file to a JWKS (in Node.JS) (2 mins read).
Converting X.509 and PKCS#8 files to JWKS format, using the node-jose
Using git commit --fixup=
to track changes that need to be applied on top of another commit (4 mins read).
Using git commit --fixup=
and git rebase --autosquash
to easily track and squash fix commits.
Goodbye Jekyll, Hello Hugo! (5 mins read).
My move from Jekyll to super speedy Hugo, and what I've needed to do to migrate.
2018's Music In Review (6 mins read).
What music was I listening to in 2018?
Creating Microservices for my Static Website (2 mins read).
Exploring moving data out of my site's remit and into its own 'microservices' which can be consumed at build-time, as well as via client-side JavaScript.
Leaving BTRFS as my primary filesystem (5 mins read).
Why I'm moving away from using BTRFS as the primary filesystem on my personal devices, and why it had nothing to do with BTRFS itself.
TYKJS Middleware Gotcha When Base 64 Decoding Data (3 mins read).
How to workaround the Failed to base64 decode: illegal base64 data at input byte
error when trying to use b64dec
in TYKJS middleware.
Unit Testing Your TYK (TYKJS) Middleware (6 mins read).
Writing unit tests (in this case using Jasmine) for the TYK API Gateway's JavaScript middleware functionality.
Hackference 2018 (31 mins read).
A review of my time at Hackference's 1-day conference and 24-hour hackathon.
How to run tests from the ChefDK in Docker (6 mins read).
How to get up and running with the ChefDK to perform common tests, such as unit tests and linting.