Week Notes 23#03 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2023-01-16?
Week Notes 23#03 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2023-01-16?
Performing bulk changes across Git(Hub) Repos with Turbolift and Microplane (4 mins read).
Using Turbolift and Microplane to enact changes across many Git(Hub) repositories.
Week Notes 23#02 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2023-01-09?
Automagically determining which AWS Lambda runtimes are deprecated or end-of-life (2 mins read).
Introducing a tool that can list AWS Lambda functions and whether their runtimes are approaching or past deprecation/end-of-life dates.
Who do these AWS credentials belong to? (1 mins read).
How to work out whether arbitrary AWS credentials are valid, and if so, what account/role/user they're bound to.
What I learned rebuilding our CI/CD pipelines for Chef Cookbooks (22 mins read).
How a focus on developer experience and user needs helped us rebuild (Capital One's) CI/CD pipelines for Chef cookbooks the right way.
Week Notes 23#01 (7 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2023-01-02?
Listing secrets stored in CircleCI (1 mins read).
How to list all the secrets in your CircleCI organisation.
2022's Music In Review (5 mins read).
What music was I listening to in 2022?
Enabling/Disabling GitHub Issues via the GitHub API (1 mins read).
How to use the GitHub API to update whether Issues are enabled on a given repo or not.
Week Notes 22#52 (5 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2021-12-27?
Week Notes 22#51 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-12-19?
Using Renovate to manage updates to go install
commands (1 mins read).
How to run Renovate to manage dependency version updates for cases where you're go install
ing them.
Week Notes 22#50 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-12-12?
Using Renovate to manage updates to golangci-lint
versions (1 mins read).
How to run Renovate to manage your golangci-lint
dependency versions, using the official installation script.
Performing arbitrary executions with Renovate (2 mins read).
How to run Renovate for one-off package upgrades, rather than using it for longer term maintenance.
Week Notes 22#49 (6 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-12-05?
Getting diagnosed with ADHD (10 mins read).
Looking back at the process to get diagnosed with ADHD.
Prefilling OAuth2 scopes for GitHub Personal Access Tokens (1 mins read).
How to make it easier to set up your OAuth2 scopes on a Personal Access Token with GitHub.
Prefilling OAuth2 scopes for GitLab Personal Access Tokens (1 mins read).
How to make it easier to set up your OAuth2 scopes on a Personal Access Token with GitLab.
Week Notes 22#48 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-11-28?
Week Notes 22#47 (5 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-11-21?
Week Notes 22#46 (5 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-11-14?
Week Notes 22#45 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-11-07?
Performing AND
conditionals in HAProxy (1 mins read).
How to string multiple conditions together in HAProxy to perform an AND
Creating a JSON Patch endpoint in Go (2 mins read).
How to create a server-side JSON Patch API endpoint in Go.
Week Notes 22#44 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-10-31?
Extracting the dependency tree from Renovate for given repositories (4 mins read).
Creating a (hacky) solution to retrieve the dependency graph from Renovate for a set of repositories.
Week Notes 22#43 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-10-24?
Listing all GitHub repositories in a GitHub Organisation (3 mins read).
How to use the GraphQL API to list all the repositories that can be found in a given GitHub organisation.
Week Notes 22#42 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-10-17?
'Should I be able to learn how to be more productive at work?' (3 mins read).
Looking at whether learning how to be more productive, during work hours, is a reasonable thing to do.
Does the tech industry thrive on free work? (6 mins read).
Thinking about how there are subtle expectations to work on your career outside of tech, and how it's not necessarily great.
Retrofitting OpenAPI documentation to your Rails codebase (12 mins read).
How to take a Rails codebase and introduce OpenAPI documentation and contract tests, in a test-driven manner.
Week Notes 22#41 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-10-10?
Phew, that's a lot of traffic π What happens when a blog post goes viral? (5 mins read).
Looking at some of the things that happen when my posts have gone viral, from how much traffic it brings, to the various sources of traffic.
Week Notes 22#40 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-10-03?
I've got ADHD (4 mins read).
Announcing my recent diagnosis with ADHD Inattentive Type.
Week Notes 22#39 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-09-26?
Analysing our dependency trees to determine where we should send Open Source contributions for Hacktoberfest (8 mins read).
How we (at Deliveroo) are using GitHub Advanced Security's dependency scanning functionality to determine what our most popular dependencies are, and whether we can find any Open Source contributions for the month of Hacktoberfest.
Week Notes 22#38 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-09-19?
Lessons learned since posting my salary history publicly (8 mins read).
What I've learned in the year since posting my salary history publicly.
Week Notes 22#37 (3 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-09-12?
Week Notes 22#36 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-09-05?
Week Notes 22#35 (5 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-08-29?
Gotcha: testable examples in Go need an output
comment (2 mins read).
Beware that your Go Example
tests may not actually be running.
Week Notes 22#34 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-08-22?
Week Notes 22#33 (4 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-08-15?
Introducing the tidied
tool, to more easily check whether go mod tidy
has been run (2 mins read).
Why I've created a command-line application called tidied
to check go mod tidy
has been run.
Week Notes 22#32 (2 mins read).
What happened in the week of 2022-08-08?