Some interesting ones in here I'll look at using - escaping things is one of my biggest gripes with every language, so this is pretty nice
Kind bookmarks
An interesting read, especially since I keep a watch on these by
This is a great read about the things that being in the (Independent Web) can empower you with, and the ownership and agency that it affords you.
I'd recommend a read of and for a bit more info, too.
This is a brilliant talk about the quirks of JavaScript, from a number of years ago.
Although it's fun to hate on JavaScript, it can also be seen about other languages.
Definitely worth a watch if you've never seen it before, or are working with JavaScript and want to have to think very hard about what the language does.
This is an interesting idea - I've not been bitten by it before, but may be worth adding to my dotfiles anyway
Version pinning is always a difficult line to walk - you don't want things to change when you're not expecting them to (such as here) but you also don't want to be pinned to really old versions of software, as that increases risk
Another reason folks should be part of the IndieWeb, not only owning your data but getting better SEO!
cron.weekly is a great newsletter, I'm glad you're coming back Mattias!
An interesting look at how using one key for everything (SSH to servers, SSH for git hosting, etc) can be a Bad Thing™
Slyvia has some amazing artwork in general, but also has some really beautiful representations of each of the Ubuntu distributions' namesakes.
Definitely yes to this! I've also proposed how we can do this using Microformats2 in
This is my go-to for tidying up disk space issues when working with Docker
This is a really nice recap of and gives you a nice feel of the day!