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Bookmarked Secrets Exposed: How to mitigate risk from secrets leaks — and prevent future breaches by Paul Roberts 
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Software secrets are targeted by malicious actors. Here are three key steps to mitigate risk — and best practices you can take to prevent future breaches.

Yep! I have a list of common patterns I look for in logs and source code, but you really need to have developer education as well as tooling and processes


Bookmarked Jamie Tanna (or why I decided to resume writing)
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I'll resume writing about technology and software engineering, inspired by Jamie Tanna's blog I came across recently. This is my blog: Subscribe through your favorite feed reader, or follow me on social media.

Thank you very much Manuel, this was lovely to read and hear 💜 I look forward to seeing how your blog evolves over the years!


Bookmarked Why Engineers Need To Write by Ryan Peterman 
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I hated writing in high school. It wasn’t objective like my favorite subjects, math and science. It also didn’t help that we had to write about old, hard-to-understand literature like Shakespeare. But my perspective on writing changed once I started working full-time as a software engineer.


Bookmarked Tech's Elite Hates Labor by Ed Z 
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I am furious. Though I try not to humour conspiracy theories, or suggest that there is any grand overture to what is usually an uncaring and cold world, but I cannot ignore what is a transparently-synchronized movement against the tech industry’s workforce.


Bookmarked How to Build Software like an SRE
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I’ve been doing this “reliability” stuff for a little while now (~5 years), at companies ranging from about 20 developers to over 2,000. I’ve always cared primarily about the software elements I describe as living “outside” the application – like, how does it get its configuration? What kinds of instances does it run on, and are those the best kinds to use? What steps does it take on its path from “code in a repository” to “running in production”? And I’ve always kept track of what I liked – which mechanisms allowed fast iteration and which caused frustration, which led to outages and which prevented them.