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Bookmarked Secrets Exposed: How to mitigate risk from secrets leaks — and prevent future breaches by Paul Roberts 
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Software secrets are targeted by malicious actors. Here are three key steps to mitigate risk — and best practices you can take to prevent future breaches.

Yep! I have a list of common patterns I look for in logs and source code, but you really need to have developer education as well as tooling and processes


Bookmarked Jamie Tanna (or why I decided to resume writing)
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I'll resume writing about technology and software engineering, inspired by Jamie Tanna's blog I came across recently. This is my blog: Subscribe through your favorite feed reader, or follow me on social media.

Thank you very much Manuel, this was lovely to read and hear 💜 I look forward to seeing how your blog evolves over the years!


Bookmarked Why Engineers Need To Write by Ryan Peterman 
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I hated writing in high school. It wasn’t objective like my favorite subjects, math and science. It also didn’t help that we had to write about old, hard-to-understand literature like Shakespeare. But my perspective on writing changed once I started working full-time as a software engineer.


Bookmarked Tech's Elite Hates Labor by Ed Z 
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I am furious. Though I try not to humour conspiracy theories, or suggest that there is any grand overture to what is usually an uncaring and cold world, but I cannot ignore what is a transparently-synchronized movement against the tech industry’s workforce.