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Liked Rizwana Akmal Khan (
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I had a fab time speaking at Women in Tech, Notts! My talk “The Ripples from Pebbles” was written from the depths of my creative dreamer heart. I’m glad it resonated so much 🥹 The audience was engaging+supportive, esp with my croaky throat 💛 guess I’m feeling ready to speak at more events in 2025 👀


Liked What great leaders don't do after you resign
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If, after quitting your job, you hear or get notified about your ex-leader doing these : Speaking negatively about your departure Undermining your decision by criticizing you, your new role or company Attempting to make you feel guilty Spreading resentment throughout the organisation Taking the resignation as a personal attack Prioritizing their own interests over those of the team Being absent or unavailable for the team during the transition Spreading gossip about you Delaying or writing vague performance appraisals or recommendations for you Displaying an “it’s all about me” attitude Failing to acknowledge their own mistakes or shortcomings Blaming others for failures or problems within the team These behaviours scream insecurity, selfishness, and a lack of confidence in building and retaining talent. They crush team morale, erode trust, and send a clear message to the rest of the team: ‘You’re disposable too.’


Liked Ashley Willis-McNamara (
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“What do you mean you’re autistic? You’re so good with people.” Yea, I’ve spent my entire life studying people, trying to build the perfect mask to fit in. My personality is a patchwork of traits I’ve picked up from others, things I thought were cool, things that made me seem normal. I’m exhausted🫠


Liked Batch Bunch (
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BATCH BUNCH #0002 is complete. A productive session comes to a close including serious bug hunting, tasty coffee drinking, and creative talk writing! See you next time? bonus spoilers: BB collectible item(s)/swag is also in the works. stay tuned. 🖱️⌨️🌐😌☕️


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Post details Loved the talk, some of the example comments sounded very familiar! I think my worst/best tired maintainer story was dealing with a user who was very insistent I urgently fixed a minor CVE introduced by a depdencency, with a suggested fix that would have introduced a bigger problem (segfault in extremely specific conditions vs timestamps suddenly changing timezone).