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Liked Tane Piper ⁂ (
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The irony of all the Americans on Red Note is that it's the best propaganda for the Chinese government inside China. When you live in an oppressive regime, but you can afford groceries and rent and not worry you might die because you can't afford it - the other oppressive regime looks less appealing.


Liked Dare Obasanjo (
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It used to be that I’d see LinkedIn notifications celebrating people being at the same big tech for 5, 10 or 15 years and roll my eyes. Why celebrate someone staying in their comfort zone and getting paid well? Now I think “Congrats on surviving so many rounds of layoffs” 🫡


Liked Urzl (
Post details You hire an army of senior developers to audit the AI results *or* you don't do AI. One of those is more expensive, the other is what you did before AI. It should be very clear that there's no "keep the AI but make it cheap and effective" path available.


Liked OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image State of Open Con 25 speaker Jamie Slome of Citi will be in our SOOCon25 Finance and Openness track! 🎤Join to hear about GitProxy: Get code out of your org quicker, easier & securely. 💡🌐 📆 Check out the full schedule on 4 and 5 February in London. Get your ticket now, #opensource #finance #stateofopencon #soocon25 #opensourcelondon #openuk


Liked 2025: another year of blog on the desktop again - live laugh blog by undefined 
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i was thinking about how i'd like to set some intentions for the new year but have been blocked. i have more time on my hands than ever in my life, so i'm currently working on navigating that without the paralysis that comes from having so many options and ideas, and adhd - a damn hottie disorder. then i realized tonight, while scouring the live laugh blog archive, that i wrote one of these posts when 2024 started, so let's start there.


Liked chimbosonic (
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As the year wrapped up, I spent some time reflecting on my transition from a CyberSecurity engineer to Principal engineer which inspired me to write a blog about the steep learning curve of writing quality coding and—how I used #rust to reinforce my skills. Check it out and let me know what you think! #RustLang, #Rust, #SoftwareEngineering, #CodingJourney, #CareerChange, #CyberSecurity, #OpenSource, #TechBlog, #blog