Kind notes


Very exited to see that my talk, "I inherited this project, and all I got was all these angry users" from #StateOfOpenCon is now live - thanks for the super speedy publishing, OpenUK!

I was honoured to kick off the Open Source Software & Security Track with a keynote about my experiences being an Open Source maintainer, and digging into the factors that make maintaining oapi-codegen difficult, and on top of that my own personal experiences which lead to difficulties in maintaining Open Source, especially when it's used actively by companies.

There were some great discussions about the maintainer burnout problem over the conference, and I had some great chats with folks in the "hallway track".

I'll be finishing my write-up of the conference in the next week (🀞🏼) but am very excited to see the talks are already up on YouTube, so I can catch up on talks I missed, too


Something I've been working on on-and-off for a couple of months is some tweaks to my Manual of Me, prompted by getting a new manager, and wanting to rethink the "things you should know when working with me", as well as delving much more into how #ADHD can affect my work, and some more reflections - and I'm glad that I've finally put the finishing touches on those updates.

Also re-reading my blog post from when I first created it, it's wild to think that this was the first time I'd started using Classless.css, which is now a staple of my microsites!


Strong dislike that #Linkedin's native Web view no longer allows you to copy the URL, or open it in other browsers, and generally making it very hostile to folks who want to ie share the link with someone else, or move it to a read-it-later app


Friends in the #PHP community, would you mind sharing examples of some packages that have been officially deprecated, as well as some that have been deprecated by the community ie due to lack of maintenance or security issues?


Very excited to announce that @lornajane and I are running a new @openuk Meetup that's digital-only, alongside the other great events being run by the #OpenUK organisation.

Our first event will be a tie-in with #GitHub's #MaintainerMonth and we'll be hearing from a number of excellent maintainers from a variety of projects - stay tuned for more details.

Looking forward to seeing some of y'all on May 22nd at 1200 noon (UK time) for an interesting webinar!

(This will be in addition to other OpenUK events still being hybrid where possible)


GitHub relaxing the requirement of the construction of the GitHub App's JWT (under private_key_jwt) is interesting, especially if now you don't need to know the installation ID to auth.

Presumably this also means that on GitHub's side they're still limiting access to repos that an installation has access to, but I'd have assumed that by doing it by installation ID you'd get additional checks

(I'd been lazy in the past and would rarely persist the installation ID, needing me to then go in and find it through the GitHub UI πŸ˜…)


Has anyone else started getting spam from a Substack they definitely didn't subscribe to? It's for with an email I wouldn't have signed up to, and it's a language I don't know (Spanish)

I've now unsubscribed and marked it as spam - I didn't seem to get a "are you sure you want to sign up", but I did get a "thanks for subscribing" post (in Spanish)


Friends and folks working with #SBOMs - how do you conceptually think about them in terms of ingesting them into tools?

I.e. I like to think of an SBOM having a source repository or component it relates to, but sometimes you don't know that up front, and all you have is the result of a scan, which could be the source repo, a container image, or a built binary.

Considering whether:

  • I try to guess what repo/component it is based on the filename
  • Just store the filename in the database and allow querying with that (and leave repo info optional)
  • Retrieve metadata from the SBOM that known tools use to define this
  • Some 4th option?

Trying to tweak how Dependency Management Data works with SBOMs and trying to find how other folks do it and consider them


Does anyone know if there's a good way of getting a historical storage of queries that users put into #Datasette? Trying to get some stats around common queries and usage, couldn't see a plugin for it, but not sure if my searching just missed it


Listening to Tulips - Minotaur Shock Remix is forever going to remind me of the last few chapters of Leviathan Falls. It happened to be what I was listening to at the time, and the lyrics seemed to fit so perfectly with the grand finale, and listening to it just now brought that all back, including all the feels around the events.

Deffo need to re-read #TheExpanse series, what a great series.

See also: previous thoughts on the way #music can remind you of things.


For the last ~7 weeks on-and-off rewriting the documentation for oapi-codegen which has needed a fresh version for a bit of time. On top of that, I've spent pretty much the last two days solidly finishing it off, and am very glad to have just merged it!

Documentation can be difficult to do - especially if you're redoing it all in one go - but am hoping it's in a much better place for new and existing users alike!

Also introduces a for the first time, and I ended up adding 14 new examples to the examples directory because I couldn't quite remember how things worked πŸ˜…


Followers of my blog - you can now subscribe to just blog posts for certain tags, for instance if you want to read all my articles about Go but only my articles, and not be annoyed by all the other stuff tagged go, you can now add to your feed reader of choice.

And of course, this is discoverable via RSS discovery so you can just point your feed reader at i.e. and it should prompt you the different options.