There are also lots of #HomebrewWebsiteClub events across the world where you can come and build, or enhance, your personal website with something #IndieWeb related - we've got one in Nottingham!
Kind notes
For anyone at #NaConf looking to learn more about owning your data and the #IndieWeb, I recently did a talk about it, with a transcript available at which will hopefully shed more light!
Reminder that it's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham on Wednesday!
I won't be attending as I'm in sunny-ish #tenerife, but hope you still meet!
Waking up after a good nap to the toasty #Tenerife sun with Good Life ( playing, quite a nice afternoon!
Off to #Tenerife tomorrow with the family for a week's winter sun - hope the weather is a bit nicer than the UK, at least!
#IndieWeb folks using Indigenous for Android ( or at least allowing a Geo URI (geo:51.501476,-0.140634) on their #Micropub endpoint - do you attempt to remap that longitude / latitude ref to a place, or do you currently just render it as-is?
Hey is there any way to see how many API pushes I've got left from the Web/ when it renews? I got a notification saying I was running out, partly due to
One of my own #blogumentation articles saved me today from tearing my hair out, determining why some requests kept being rejected - that's why I do it!
"There's loads of us, and only one computer - we can beat it!" I love's way of dealing with problems at tonight's #NottsJS
Really interesting talk at #TechNott about high performing teams and building safety culture. I'm a huge fan of this, and embracing blameless culture, and now I've got some new tips to apply to it, too! Thanks @tom_geraghty
There certainly are a few #CapitalOne folks here at #TechNott, even though you can't see me waving behind the pillar. Come say hi to talk about some of the jobs we've got at
Very much looking forward to tonight's #TechNott, not least because it'll be the first meetup I'm owning every interaction first from my website in #IndieWeb fashion, as well as converting hashtags to tags on the posts themselves!
Tech and non-tech friends. Please watch The Circle ( for a great look at a not-so-distant future of tech, and the risks if not not kept in check. Very painful to watch as it's so close to reality
With the help of I've now got running locally and syndicating RSVPs from my website to - hopefully it'll be live next week for the rest of the #IndieWeb to enjoy
A fairly easy result for #HomebrewWebsiteClub - don't try resending Webmentions (for two weeks) if the target doesn't support Webmentions
Tomorrow's fun will be reinstalling my laptop to remove BTRFS. It's over a year since I said I would ( but I've not got round to it, and I've messed up my docker install
It's #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham tonight!
I'm not 100% what I'm working on - it may be finalising my integration, or may be just on my own site!
Hey @Meetup - further to my comments in is there any news around when you're going to restrict any OAuth apps that are being used by non-Pro members?
Reminder that it's the first #HomebrewWebsiteClub Nottingham of the decade tomorrow!
Hope to see some of you there for building / working on your personal websites
Been watching #GoodOmens this evening - lighthearted, tongue in cheek, and some wonderful David Tennant
Watched John Wick 3 last night. Great movie, shame we missed it in the cinema - even more ingenious ways to kill people, and we learn more about the underground, too
Is anyone aware of anywhere that the contract for #Netlify's "Outgoing Webhook" is documented? I can't seem to find it on or
cc @Netlify
Off for a massage so listening to Phaeleh to get me in the relaxed state of mind I need
For anyone who didn't make it to last night's #WiTNotts, I've got you covered as I wrote up my notes!
So I started to write a short 2019 in review blog post before realising I should finish my 2018 in review post first.
Woops! It's mostly written, but a bit longer than this years will be
Happy new year everyone! Hope 2020, and the new decade, is kinder to you than this one ππΌ
I haven't yet gotten around to writing my 2019 In Review post (and may not until the weekend) but I don't think it's going to be as long as 2017's. I quite like Max's format to keep it short
Real shame to see that @Meetup are further restricting their platform by locking down API access - maybe document this better before going through the process to register?
Thank you for submitting an application to access Meetupβs API and authenticate with OAuth2. This process provides a better and more secure experience for all Meetup members. Your request for API Access through OAuth has been denied. In order to be eligible for API access through OAuth you need to have a Meetup Pro Account.
My site is now running Hugo v0.62! Not too painful an upgrade from 0.58.3, given changes in the Markdown parser - - largely Table of Contents related, and one place where I'd not got enough spacing in around fenced codeblocks
Happy birthday π Hope you're having a great day!
I've managed to reduce my site's build/test/deploy pipeline to a total of ~4 minutes (a couple of minutes further than ) but still isn't as fast as I'd like, albeit much better!
May have to see if it's possible to speed up with my own GitLab runner.
Arthur Christmas is such a great Christmas movie - we discovered it maybe four years ago, but it's part of our yearly routine now!
Since setting up the ability to syndicate posts from my website to other sites automagically the other day, I've been manually ticking the boxes in my posting UI, which isn't the best experience.
So I've now got it to automagically syndicate to Twitter any notes (like this one) or interactions such as likes/replies/reposts on Twitter, so folks still on Twitter are able to see the content I'm publishing to my site, too.
No spoilers:
Just seen Star Wars Episode 9 and damn JJ did it - what a great ending to the series. Expect more when the spoiler embargo lifts.
I'd seen some tweets similar to this and was a bit apprehensive but it was so good. Wanna go see it again!
What do all you lovely #IndieWeb folks use to consume Twitter? I'd like to hook some of my favourite people into my reader but not sure the best way to do it
Just trimmed my site's build/test/deploy pipeline's lifecycle from 10 minutes to about 5 minutes. A fair saving but still not as speedy as I want.
My next job is to see whether I can cache the images on my own infra running a GitLab-runner, but I seem to be having some difficulty getting it running with a Unix file socket rather than a TCP socket - a shame because in the past the GitLab-runner has worked literally out of the box
Well, it's official - I'm on holiday for the rest of the decade ππΌ
For anyone having issues not seeing #MrRobot Season 4 Episode 11 in their Fire TV / Prime video account, try skipping through Ep 10 until it autoplays 11
Sorry to anyone who's just received a tonne of webmentions from me - I'm tweaking the way the sending works so there are a few new places you may see them come from
This post has been published by my Micropub endpoint (code in ) and syndicated to Twitter via π #IndieWeb - I'm able to own my tweets from my personal website at and you can too by joining the folks at
I thought something weird was happening - I've not seen any incoming webmentions since Friday from my own posts, and it seems that my webmention sending post-deploy isn't working.
I'll look into that tonight!
Being in First Class on a train is great and all (only Β£2 more expensive than an open return - bargain!) but they can't make tea correctly. They put the milk in first!!
After seeing my Spotify Wrapped playlist for the year, and some of the usage stats, I think I'm definitely going to be writing an application to get that data out for myself and my own usages
So around ~1312 my server that hosts services such as and but also my Micropub endpoint and other things restarted. Not 100% sure why (as it turns out that the logs didn't persist) but turns out that my webserver ( ) hadn't been configured to restart post-boot, but all the other services had. Woops! Glad I didn't have a tonne of content to push, but it was a bit worrying having no way to resolve it, as I had no laptop to SSH and diagnose.
Hey is the source code for the Web page hosted at anywhere? I was looking to contribute client metadata similar to how Jacky does at
(issue was raised at to implement)
Well, I think I've cracked it - after a few weeks of on-and-off work on making my webmention sending not spam everyone (see ) - it's now not re-sending them if they're successful. This is a good first step, but I'll be improving it to re-send if the post's data has changed since last time it tried (in the future).
Note that this isn't quite done yet, expect it to be live tomorrow perhaps.
Lots of trick or treaters out tonight. So the best thing is to turn the lights low and pretend you're not in.... Right?