Kind reposts


Reposted lornajane (
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Attached: 1 image How does your calendar look on Wednesday? Join us for the online OpenUK digital meetup at lunchtime. I've pinned down two open source project maintainers from projects you might have heard of (Kubernetes and PHP) to get their open source stories and some advice that the rest of us can use! See you there


Reposted Batch Bunch (
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BATCH BUNCH #0003 is complete. A fun-filled, productive session comes to a close! This time, we welcomed an attendee all the way from London and, universally, marveled at 'felting' being done IRL by another attendee. Hobbies FTW. See you next time? 🖱️⌨️🌐😌☕️


Reposted MizKirsten (
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Attached: 1 image These stickers I made went to #FOSDEM with the generous help of Here's the link to download the file if you'd like to make your own stickers, put it on your site, etc. #makeartnotbillionaires #nobillionaires


Reposted OpenUK (
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State of Open Con 25 speaker of will be in Open Source Software and Security track! 🎤 Join to hear about I inherited this project, and all I got was all these angry users 💡 #opensource #opensourcesoftware #stateofopencon #soocon25


Reposted Amalia Zeichnerin (
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Attached: 1 image Was reminded of this image again today: "I don't wear 🏳️‍🌈 [queer pride] items to tell you who's in my bed. I wear them so the family across the street knows they are safe. So the couple in the restaurant know they aren't alone. So the boy who sees me notice him looking at dresses knows I won't judge. I wear because you make them hide." Ever since seeing this, I have been wearing progressive pride buttons on each of my jackets and coats (and a cap). #queer #lgbtqia


This was a great meetup, I'm sad for folks who weren't able to make it!

Quoted OpenUK (
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Join us for OpenUK Digital Meetup to discuss "Self-hosting: open source tools for every day" from 12 to 1 PM, hosted by Lorna Mitchell and, joined by; Adam Bramley; and Fabrice Mous of Next Cloud.


Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image State of Open Con 25 speaker of will be in our SOOCon25 Open Source Software and Security track! 🎤 Join to hear about I inherited this project, and all I got was all these angry users. 💡🌐 📆 Check out the full schedule on 4 and 5 February in London. Get your ticket now, #opensource #opensourcesoftware #stateofopencon #soocon25 #opensourcelondon #openuk