Kind reposts


Reposted Matrix Agent (
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not sure who to attribute this to - there is NO reason any of us should have to "thrive in a fast paced environment" or "work well under pressure." most of our daily work is not an emergency and our culture of fake urgency and immediacy just to make more profit for people in the c-suite is burning people out. stop sending people into fight or flight and expecting them to bend over backward because you dont know how plan or manage resources properly


Reposted matdevdug (
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The thing about #tech #layoffs that people who haven’t been through it often don’t understand is that morale never recovers. The employees who remain will never have the same relationship with that company, bosses or peers. Watching people you respect pack their stuff and crying on the phone with their spouses is something that never goes away. When I survived a layoff in my 20s I became a “do exactly what the ticket says” person. I stopped suggesting ideas, providing feedback, believing anything a manager told me. If you are a company considering layoffs, especially a profitable company, you should approach it as “this department will have 100% turnover”. The second I got another job offer I left that company and six months later nobody who had been there at the time of layoffs remained. I’ve seen that pattern play out multiple times.


Reposted Sean Coates (
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It *really* grosses me out when I see/hear YouTubers and Podcasters promoting BetterHelp. They should have gone out of business when this happened.


Reposted BrianKrebs (
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If you've ever wondered why some Wi-Fi is free (like in hotels), it's because typically data about your browsing is sold to countless ad companies that will happily buy it. Had to use the hotel WiFi recently on a trip, and after clicking "agree" to their terms of service, the Little Snitch firewall on my Mac went bonkers. I must have denied 20-30 outbound requests to advertising networks. It still worked, though, so I'm guessing I didn't manage to block all of it.


Reposted Sam Whited (
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Random thought I had earlier that I'd like to run by some #FLOSS software people or FLOSS lawyers: Could we start a "union" of FLOSS software developers that would support us legally and help us bargain for better terms when negotiating license exceptions, support contracts, etc.? 🧵


Reposted Amᵃᵖanda (
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Ouch. A large OpenStreetMap group has been using a proprietary chat platform as a community space for ~10 yrs. Now they gotta pay a $80k/yr (or $10k??) for usage. 🤯😱😢 Slack (now Salesforce) now wants to charge @OpenStreetMapUS for all ~6k users on their server. 😢😢 Ouch. This sort of bait & switch is why open, community owned platforms (like this!) are vital! read more on the slack (while you still can??!): #OpenStreetMap #OSM #FreeSoftware #Cassandra


Reposted Melonie (
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Recently I've seen a few people comment on the air quality readings inside large art galleries; the results were far better than on trains, in planes and airports, in movie theatres and so on, due to the need for conservation of the artwork. It's just so strange thinking about how we apparently care more about protecting art than we do about protecting our own lives.


Reposted Hazel Weakly (
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The secret to software engineering is to focus all of your energy as a team (and a company) on learning how to share information between each other better. Build that understanding. Build that ability to uplift and teach each other. For fuck's sake, stop worrying about over engineering and worry about under understanding the problem. The over engineering goes away the second you start putting humans first and start prioritizing understanding over an artificial roadmap built without context


Reposted Thomas 🔭✨ (
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𝓖𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓻𝔂 Blockchain: a slow database Crypto: an expensive slow database NFT: an expensive slow database to store URLs AI: a way to write slow and inefficient algorithms LLM: a database that stores text in a slow and inefficient way Chat GPT: an expensive imprecise query language for slow and inefficient text databases that often returns wrong results


Reposted Enron Hubbard (
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Folks remembering #AaronSwartz today - remember that he was moving publicly-funded research out from behind a paywall. Then remember the only reason the case went forward is because federal prosecutors, specifically Carmen Ortiz and Stephen Heymann, wanted to make an example of him. “Theft is theft, and it doesn’t matter if you use a crowbar or a computer” were Heymann’s words at the time. Notice how federal prosecutors aren’t bullying Sam Altman for the wholesale theft of content network-wide, to build a machine that spews bullshit and further destroys our ability to determine the truth? It’s because he’s doing it for private profit, while Aaron worked for the public good. Never let yourself be tricked into believing the legal system is a justice system.


Reposted rail 🦊 (
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"Regulation stops innovation! Companies need to be free to do whatever the fuck they want to create innovation!" My brother in Christ, if anything stops innovation, it's patents and copyright. You're less likely to die in a car crash only because Volvo engineers gracefully decided to do humanity a favor and not patent the 3-point seatbelt technology. But for example, a technology of safely stopping table saws is patented and only one company can create them, suing similar projects from other companies out of existence 🤡


Reposted Dare Obasanjo (
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There’s a video posted by a Cloudflare account executive getting laid off that she recorded as she argues with the HR team. It’s painful to watch on both sides, which explains why other big techs just send an email or provide an error when you try to login. As callous as it seems to do it via email or failed account login, getting told by strangers who just treat you as another name on the list feels worse.


Reposted Outreachy Internships (
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Attached: 1 image Are you passionate about empowering people in tech? Are you looking for ways to give back to the FOSS communities? Apply to join our pool of amazing mentors! Join via our past communities, or work with your community to join as a mentoring community. Mentors have until February 23, 2024, at 4 p.m. UTC to submit project descriptions for the May 2024 internship. Read more and apply here:


Reposted Molly White (
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it's impossible for me to be a multimillionaire without robbing a bank, therefore i should be allowed to rob banks (headline: "‘Impossible’ to create AI tools like ChatGPT without copyrighted material, OpenAI says")