Kind reposts


This is the reason I infrequently post photos, because I want to spend the time to write good alt text, so don't just upload photos with sub-standard descriptions

Quoted Aby Darling (
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I don't know.. I feel like this is going to be unpopular, but I'm going to say it. I feel like not posting AltText because "I don't know how", or "I don't have the time/energy" needs to just fucking stop. If you don't know how - learn. If you don't have the time/energy - save the picture and post when you have the time/energy to AltText it. It's giving businesses who whine "we didn't build a ramp because they're expensive.." If the social model of disability is a thing (it is!) then the onus for accessibility is on able people (it is!) Accessibility is mandatory. Do better. #Disability #accessibility #AltText


Reposted Josh Simmons (
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I get #Kagi relying on sources that don't share my values. Nothing in our societal order is uncompromised. But calling gay rights political is a dog whistle that I hear loud and clear. There's no world in which I directly pay money into that kind of leadership. On to the next...


Reposted Niléane (
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Huge yikes. Kagi is now partnering with Brave to power its search results — and they seem to be dismissing their users’ concerns regarding this partnership with a company that’s notorious for being led by a proud anti gay rights supporter. Just as I’ve consistently advised against using Brave’s products, I now advise against using Kagi as long as it contributes to a homophobic business. There can be no neutral politics when it comes to people’s rights and lives.


Reposted Mignon Fogarty (
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I love clever uses of incentives and tech: Cities are using traffic lights near schools that start red and turn green if an approaching car isn't speeding. If you're good, you get to keep driving. If you're bad, you have to stop and wait for the light to turn green. The average speed on the road almost immediately dropped to the speed limit as people learned the rules. Instead of punishing people with tickets after the fact, it creates the behavior the city wants.


Reposted Asta [AMP] (@aud)
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I'd personally argue (and do argue, in fact!) that you should take the evidence of such agreements and facts to mean that you actually have nothing to lose by becoming... labor aware, let's say. Don't make my mistakes: reject ERGs, which are a way of tracking groups likely to unionize (hot tip: ERGs are for underrepresented groups, which are typically the groups most impacted by layoffs, so guess which groups are _probably_ a little more... labor aware?). Don't be quite so obviously pro-labor; they have enough lawyers and enough capital on hand to not give a single shit about whatever action you could potentially bring against them. But do form a union. Or a guild; there are too many companies owned by too few stockholders to _not_ also form agreements across company boundaries. And not one of those unions that's already waved the white flag to get their foot in the door, either. It's our best bet against the technological abuse we're seeing. RE: For anyone curious about this: if you formally disagree with the reason behind your layoff, congratulations! You're blacklisted. And if you follow up with compelling evidence of mistreatment, congratulations! You're DEFINITELY blacklisted and should probably follow that thread to whatever end it has for you. If you sign the settlement offer, which is probably what you're going to do because justice is about who has the most capital and they've cut off your funding, congrats, you're now _legally_ barred from working for any company they own ever again. It's standard language and they won't remove it. What's interesting, however, is much like a warlock pact, the only thing I'm _not_ barred from talking about is the specific agreement about what was considered a settlement. I can talk about literally everything else. I low-key suspect they do this so that particularly mouthy people (me) will discuss what happens when you try and face off against corporate and how even if you win, you lose. Why else let me freely talk about everything? RE: ...


Reposted Lincoln Russell (
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If I installed new server software that served websites 500% faster but also crashed sometimes, your first question would be "how frequent are the crashes?" and if I shrugged you'd back away slowly and start looking for my replacement. But with LLMs & hallucinations that's just normal operating conditions and you're a luddite if you ask too much about it.


Reposted Jamey Sharp (
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I just learned the phrase "circus factor" ("If you or someone on your team ran away to join the circus, how stressful would it be for the rest of the team?") and I like it much better than the widely-used phrase "bus factor".


Reposted DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab (
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new rule: if your company puts a LLM bot on the front lines of your customer support effort, your company should be legally bound to adhere to whatever the LLM bot states on your behalf. oh, you put a lying machine at the front door and it's telling people your product does things it doesn't actually do? and now you're stuck making your product do these things? maybe you'll think twice about deploying lying machines...


Reposted Eugen Rochko (
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#Firefox is by far the best browser on desktop. Let me be clear, I am not saying that because I am ideologically opposed to using Google products. I use YouTube and Google Workspaces. Chrome genuinely has nothing to offer over Firefox. If your website doesn't work in Firefox then I'm not using your website.


Reposted vorlon (
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There's not a CEO in the world doing $7 million worth of work. Saying this is in line with exec compensation elsewhere is not a defense, it's an indictment. Nor is gender equity in pay an argument when ALL execs are overpaid and where pay equity is worst is at the entry level and among the precariat. Seriously, stop trying to justify a $7 million salary. Executive compensation is a PROBLEM, and while it's nothing specific to Mozilla, you can say this without pretending it's healthy. 2/2


Reposted Sasha 'feral' Göbbels (
Post details THIS is why I resent any type of "productivity measurement". If I as the person responsible for their (professional and sometimes very rarely personal) situation don't know how and what they feel and are working on, I should quit my job. I sometimes hear "but we need abstract measurements to hand up to executive management". No, you don't. Have a talk with them and tell them about the people you are working with. If they don't like this, this is not a good place to be. And regarding 'productivity': some people have a constant outfit of achievements or in software development tickets. That's productivity. But some people 'produce' less individual results, but removing them from the team would lower everyone's productivity. That's generativity. I don't know many colleagues taking this into account or even noticing it exists.


Reposted james BSc ADHD ASD (
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The cognitive dissonance of people eschewing Mozilla cos of AI and big salaries and a problematic CEO And suggesting people move to Brave The crypto browser that also does AI The browser who is available through Epic Games Store Taking some share of ad revenue for itself instead of giving it to who it’s supposed to Suggesting affiliate links in the address bar The browser that’s installing pay to use software on Windows machines without asking for consent Helmed by Brendan Eich You know, the JavaScript creator Oh but he’s also the guy ousted as Mozilla’s CEO for donating to anti lgtbq propositions the same guy who seems to hold Covid conspiracy theories in his head Please use a fucking search engine some time 🤡


Reposted mhoye (
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As someone coming off a decade of working there, I can tell you with some confidence that “you should use Firefox despite Mozilla’s leadership” is far more true and has been true far longer than you realize. But you should also understand that original market-share vs ceo salary meme is a creation of Brendan Eich, presumably born of a grudge, and notably elided his tenure as CTO, during which the worst of that decline happened. You should still use Firefox though.