Kind reposts


Reposted NowWeAreAllTom (
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YOUR 2023 CALENDAR WRAPPED You spent 31 DAYS in each of the months of August, March, July, January, October, and May. That’s a six way tie. Guess you’re the type who can’t be satisfied by just one month! 😎 Your longest day was NOVEMBER 5, a whopping 25 hours. Falling back like a champ! 🍂 This year was the 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF 2013. Here’s to another 10 more! 🥳 You’ve had 51 MONDAYS so far this year. Yikes! We won’t tell Garfield if you won’t. 🐈


Reposted Charlie Stross (
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stop doing consciousness - brain was never supposed to have "theory of mind" - millions of years development and yet no real world use found for having self-recognition in mirrors - "please transfer internal cognitive states to other organisms by means of sequential tokens obeying grammatical relationships", "I am not a cognitive zombie" - statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged THEY HAVE PLAYED US FOR ABSOLUTE FOOLS! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!


Reposted mhoye (
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"In ancient Greece, as the Achaeans and Trojan armies gather for battle, Paris offers to avert the war and duel Menelaus alone for the hand of Helen, the most beautiful woman in the world. They battle, and though Paris is defeated the goddess Aphrodite rescues him, guiding him to sleep with Helen before Menelaus can find him and finish him off." - An epic (classical literature) You, in a cubicle, do some basic algebra on server logs to decide what colour a button should be. - An epic (Jira)


Reposted jalciné needs a job but also (
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Stop defending companies as if they're people in 2024. I'm begging you please. Just because the government treats them with personhood doesn't mean you have to. Legality of a concept does not equate to its morality. Edit: I was not asking for peoples' opinion on corporate personhood. This was some of y'all first interaction with me so imma add a disclaimer (and reminder to read): "legality of a concept does not equate to its morality". Meaning even with laws of personhood, people aren't considered HUMANS. Closest to a measurable object by which the law is prejudiously applied to. I swear, the first feature I'm making for my site when I add AP support is disabling replies.


Reposted Markus Redeker (
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Today is John Mastodon Day: On this day one year ago, a journalist misunderstood some facts and created the person of “John Mastodon” out of them ( That day, the Fediverse got a new meme, a patron saint and a running gag at the same time. Let us all celebrate it! #JohnMastodonDay #JohnMastodon #Fediverse


Reposted Mayank (
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tech is dominated by cis white dudes, and tech blogs more so. in more specialized domains (like accessibility), it's even worse. when writing my last blog post, 90% of the resources i linked to were written by white dudes. if you're part of a group that's underrepresented in tech, i would love to see your blog. if you don't have one, consider starting one (i can help!)


Reposted nixCraft 🐧 (
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OpenAI suspends ByteDance’s account after it used GPT to train its own AI model: Isn't it hypocritical to use the copyrighted work of others without permission but deny others the same opportunity? OpenAI scraped the entire Internet but is now acting holier than thou. OpenAI can train on various data types such as text, images, books & videos without permission, but competitors can not access it once it's in their system. So, yes, it is a problematic version of copyright


Reposted Stefan (
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So fittingly described by what's wrong with the Term of User: The Big Web has “users” – a term Silicon Valley has borrowed from drug dealers to describe the people they addict to their services and exploit. Source: #SmallWeb #Users #WrongTerm


Reposted 𝐿𝒶𝓃𝒶 :verifiedtrans: (
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Every single person I know is currently at Grade A, Defcon-1, Ultra Premium Level exhaustion right now. So if you're scanning social media and this applies to you, let this be your motivational speech. DON'T do thing. DON'T go get it girl. STAY in bed. ORDER in. EAT some soup. TAKE a nap. REST is not failure. REST does not make you weak. REST is not laziness. REST is self care. REST.


Reposted Open Source JobHub (
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Attached: 1 image If you’re an open source professional in a technical or non-technical role, we want to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to participate in the 2024 Open Source Professionals Job Survey we have put together with our partner @LPI #survey #career #OpenSource #jobs #JobSatisfaction #FOSS


Reposted ben🌱ui (
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Attached: 1 image I used to be enthusiastic about technology. Was a teen when people made homepages. I could talk to people around the world. Mobile phones were neat. You could text your friends. Then with smart phones you could practice language and play genuinely innovative games for a couple of bucks. I can't remember the last time I was genuinely excited by tech. Maybe it's a factor of becoming a jaded old piece of shit.


Reposted Felipe Tofani (
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Attached: 1 image I just got the news that Andre Braugher died on Monday. I loved him in Brooklyn Nine-Nine so much that the series became one of my comfort shows. I have no idea how many times I saw the series, but Captain Holt was always one of my favorite characters. He will be genuinely missed.


Reposted Carol 🪩 (
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in a cost of living crisis - where all the food we buy has at least doubled in price over the last year - to force people into trading their privacy for food, to then turn around and do this, is next level evil shit:


Reposted Njion :boosts_ok_gay: (
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I really dislike the common line of reasoning that "being gay/trans isn't wrong because they were born this way/it's not a choice". That's not why it isn't wrong. It isn't wrong because it doesn't cause any harm to anyone. If being gay was a choice it'd be just as okay morally! This is important because sexual attraction and gender identity can naturally change over the course of one's life. Under the framework of "it's only ok if they're born like this" that can be seen as problematic. It forces people to stay quiet about their experiences if their identity changes at all and especially if some external factor is a catalyst for that. And so what if it is? What if some experience "made you bi"? There's still nothing wrong with that!


Reposted Nora "support caster" Tindall (
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I'm open to being wrong, but for my money, "identify as"/"identifies as" is almost always a useless phrase. "She identifies as a woman" => "She is a woman." "They identify as Catholic." => "They are Catholic." And so forth. The only utility I can see is to distance the act of identification from actual belonging (as in the classic journalistic twist, "Name Lastname, who identifies as non-binary, [proceeds to misgender them]"), or to discuss the fallibility of survey results ("well, 50% of the cohort identified as sanitation workers, but it's possibly because you said 'garbage people' instead"). In my opinion, it's just not a phrase you should use, unless you can articulate why a simple "is" or "are" doesn't work.


Reposted Avdi Grimm (
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For a long time I had trouble with the concept of unionizing programmers, because it felt like we're already so privileged compared to blue-collar workers. What I realize now is that all that privilege vanishes like a mirage the moment people start talking about unionization. Or the moment interest rates go up.