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This whole thread is a lot. Expecting better of GH but React inertia is a powerful reality distortion field.
This whole thread is a lot. Expecting better of GH but React inertia is a powerful reality distortion field.
Content warning: Mental health
My request to unsubscribe from your newsletter falsely implies that I subscribed in the first place. What is the point of all the anti-spam legislation and all the regulatory bullshit all over newsletter services when it still seems to be impossible to stop this sort of mass spamming?
If your organization actively discourages you from asking questions, digging deeper, or seeking improvements, do the following in order: 1. Get 2. The 3. Hell 4. Out If you stay too long, the corpo brainworms will make it easier to just do the things that have always been done.
[object Object]
I feel like the economy's endgame is everyone's on Patreon, supporting each other through Patreon
1.7 million seconds ago was October 25th (~20 days ago). 1.7 billion seconds was January 1st 1970 (53 years ago). Remember that when people say you should be allowed to be a billionaire.
Attached: 1 image
Attached: 1 image It’s worse than that lads, she’s DEAD.
New blog post up: please don't ask if an open source project is dead. The best-case scenario is that you annoy the maintainers and delay development. The worst-case scenario is that you give the maintainers an opportunity to reconsider if it's worth it.
Attached: 1 image Finally got a proper watch face for my watch!
You can’t intimidate someone into kindness, you can't abuse someone into believing in themselves, why would you think you can bomb anyone into peace?
A reminder. Religion and traditions are just peer pressure from dead people who maybe have never even existed.
If Gaza was in your city, how much would be destroyed?
Imagine being the kind of person that *thinks* that homelessness is a lifestyle but actually coming out and broadcasting it???????
Unionize all the engineers!
Insanity is trying the same thing over and over again while expecting different results. Programming is doing this because it's the standard way to uncover intermittent bugs.
Who else allowed themselves 0.5 seconds of joy having seen Suella being sacked before the rot immediately set back in with David Cameron being appointed Foreign Secretary
Hey guys, how is capitalism going? It's going great! Thanks to profit motive based innovation and hard work, the ransomware industry has grown to a $250 Billion(!) industry, with "Ransomware As A Service" (RaaS) now being a very real business service offered by actual companies and resulting in probably multiple times more in costs in down time, and other costs. Where do we get this incredible boost to productivity and efficiency from? It's as if by an invisible hand!
Apparently mathematicians think I should use the term "large positive integers" and not "big naturals"
Attached: 1 video My closing suggestion was to support open source projects you depend on by reaching out to their maintainers and offering to pay them money to speak to your team! Ask them for an hour over Zoom or similar. Here's a clip with this idea in more detail
Attached: 1 image Smart Quotes and Coding Examples Every so often, I copy and paste some code from a website and it utterly fails. This is probably a good reminder not to practise ✂️ & 📋 development, but it is also a reminder that "smart" formatting often trips up new students. Here are a few examples I've seen recently - produced as a result of computers trying to be cleverer than humans, and huma #/etc/ #code #education #NaBloPoMo
Attached: 1 image there, I fixed it :meowuwu:
Plans for Tuesday? If not, how about gazing at the Unix epoch time counter starting at 22:13 UTC at it rolls over to 1700000000 seconds?
If you think CSS is some kind of "problem" that needs solving with frameworks, perhaps first consider that maybe the problem is that you don't know how to use it
Happy Diwali to all my Indian homies, and from me to the rest of you. Diwali is the Festival of Lights. It symbolizes the spiritual 'victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.' We could all use some light in these dark times.
Attached: 1 image silly meme
Attached: 1 image
Remember kids, there's a pernicious reason why #Google redirects "" to "". Because of this redirect, the location permission that you grant to Google Maps also automatically becomes available to Google Search - making your search queries more valuable to advertisers. #privacy
You're not doing it right if your smart home goes down when the Internet does. #selfhosted #selfhosting #smarthome #smarthomeproblems
Don't think you can handle a legacy codebase? Just write a new one from scratch! What could POSSIBLY go wrong!?
Attached: 1 image Nerds will build Skynet instead of going to therapy
He was a scraper bot. She said, "See ya later, bot." Blocking was good enough, you see. Bots gobbling at a pace to feed their AI disgrace. She said "get lost" with robots.txt.
Maintaining an OSS project is so much more than just writing and shipping code. It involves taking care of the community and core team. It’s emotional. It’s exhausting. Its unhealthy. But we (maintainers) do it because we love the product and community. Please appreciate your OSS maintainers🙏
Attached: 1 image I wonder this myself.
self-hosting things is a fools game join a polycule with an already-established infrastructure
Some people claim that they can use dark magics to force Linux to do what they want. But that's just sudoscience
Such a huge part of being an adult for me is having the freedom to create rules and boundaries that help me become the person I want to be. You don’t have to live by the rules that were imposed on you as a kid or even as an adult. You get to make new ones that work for *you*.
STOP DOING GNUPG ASCII was never supposed to be armored Decades of mouse jiggling and yet no real world use found for generating person-bound long-lived keys Want to establish trust? We have a tool …(
If we live in a simulation, doesn't that mean that bare metal servers are actually VMs?
> "Just as GitHub was founded on Git, today we are re-founded on Copilot." Look, I respect the heck out of the technical implementation of LLMs, but let's be honest: statistically they produce average code at best and misunderstood/invalid code most often. They re-implement old bugs and obfuscate programmer intent and anyone who is leaning on them for more than a pair assist is making software harder for the rest of us. #AI #Git #GitHub #Copilot #GenerativeAI #LLM #ChatGPT 🔗
i mean look, this coding ai business can't be that hard to get right, just train it on well-commented code that has no bugs
In England, "booster shot" is spelled "borchestershire shot."
Whilst I like the idea of the ‘2 pizza team’ as originated by Amazon, at some point we are going to need more than just me on this.
As exhausting as it can be, I feel like many open source software maintainers could make a reasonable dent into the net hatred put into this world by choosing to quietly ignore the issues they think are stupid rather than trying to publicly humiliate the people who file them
Attached: 1 image Anti-landlord sticker spotted in Montreal, Quebec
Just got your text from last night: you need to cut the red wire first to stop the countdown.
Most folks don’t seem to realize how gravely under-resourced and under-funded the #PHP project is. For a technology that powers 77% of the web and has very little corporate backing, it's a wonder the project makes any headway at all. At times, it almost feels like the industry is doing this on purpose to choke out the language.
In light of the GitHub Universe announcements where they announce they are “re-founded on Copilot” allow me to re-present my blog post: