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An adult in bed will remain in bed until acted upon by a large enough responsibility. -Newtons 4th Law
An adult in bed will remain in bed until acted upon by a large enough responsibility. -Newtons 4th Law
Attached: 1 image The hierarchy of open source, laid bare by this post.
Whenever faced with excess meetings or unnecessary bureaucracy, I remember the contractor's mantra: > It all bills the same.
Until there is a definitive adjudication of the copyright status of LLM training data, it is *deeply irresponsible* to use Github Copilot for open source. I will refuse contributions created with it on any project I'm involved with, as well as permanently ban any user caught sneaking in Copilot-generated code in defiance of this rule. I would strongly encourage all maintainers to take this stand as well. License headaches are already bad enough without secret poison pills being injected.
The year I worked at Google was the Year Of Social, and everyone's OKRs involved integrating with Google+ somehow, and if you did that you got a large bonus. Anyway getting strong vibes like that when GitHub's new font family's landing page starts randomly talking about Copilot half-way. Update: The above has been described as a cheap dunk, and to be fair the CoPilot output having different font thing is fine. But. I guess I should expand with some context about my year at Google—
Oh nah, GitHub is doing too much
AI-powered content generation tools give me the mega ick. Why should I read something you couldn’t be bothered to write? is guiding us through the dark forest of generative AI #ffconf
For 10 years the Go community came together at FOSDEM! To celebrate that we’ll do it all again this year!! Do you have a talk proposal? Now is the time to submit! Our CfP is all open :gopher:
Attached: 1 image feeling very seen by at #FFConf i find it easy to see where ADHD holds me back, so it’s good to see where it helps too 💛
“Instead of talking about hard skills and soft skills, let’s actually call them what they are. One set of skills is technical skills, skills for dealing with technology and technical problems And one set of skills is human skills, things for dealing with humans.” 🎥 @kball
When I repeatedly am asked “Why accessibility though? What’s the business case?” I get cranky (but I’m working on that). It’s the law. Why do I have to argue a business case for anyone to *checks notes* not break the law?? Yes there is a whole ‘nother aspect where it shouldn’t have had to become a law in the first place but FFS.
Attached: 1 image Happy circulatory system walking through the kitchen day to those who celebrate
Call me an unsecured database because I know a lot of shit and have many vulnerabilities
Attached: 1 image You can decrease the negativity in your life 100% by replacing all the people you know with this quokka
sorry im late i didnt want to come so I deliberately left after i should have thanks for understanding
The same sort of pattern can show up with something like being trans or gay. Anything that society stigmatizes, despite it being a thing a person is born with or otherwise has no control over. If people are punished for being themselves, they hide themselves. They break themselves to fit into the mold. 4/4
If you have had an adult family member or friend that was recently diagnosed with a previously unknown developmental psychological disorder (ADHD, autism, etc), you might have noticed something that confused you. Right around the time they were diagnosed, maybe even a bit before, they "suddenly" began to exhibit symptoms when never had before. You might be like, "I've known this person for X years and they never behaved like this." You might even think they are "acting" or something. 1/4
The truth is exactly the opposite. Anyone that's "different" in our culture learns very quickly to hide their differences. The world punishes anyone who's different — usually not explicitly, but by enforcing expectations that cannot be met. People start doing what's known as "masking" — they hold back their true selves and maintain an appearance of normalcy by any means. Usually masking is driven by guilt, shame, and anxiety, and it often leads to burnout or worse. It takes a toll on people. 2/4
Your friend or family member hasn't started acting for "attention" or to get a medication or whatever. They've *stopped* acting. The person you *thought* you knew was only a façade constructed for protection . You only saw the armor they put on everyday, not them. Now that they've learned their differences aren't "their fault" or because "they are broken" or whatever, they can let their guard down. For maybe the first time in their life, they aren't forcing themselves to be who they aren't. 3/4
Are you ok in there? I couldn't help but notice that you've been in the screaming closet a little longer than usual. There's a line out here
This video should've been a blog post
Observation: if you're someone who angrily rants about how terrible a bunch of software is: chances are extremely high you've never actually built any notable software used by non-trivial amounts of people. It's almost as if reading many many people shredding your work to pieces on the internet makes you mildly less inclined to do the same to others. Who could have guessed?
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OH: A coworker just shared a term she uses to describe meetings that go astray when certain coworkers bloviate. “Non-consensual TED talk.”
It takes 12,000 plays on Spotify for a band to make the same as you buying one of their T-shirts.
1. Read this: “Just as GitHub was founded on Git, today we are re-founded on Copilot.” 2. Go here: #git #gitHub #codeberg #enshittification #BigTech #cooperative #dev
Attached: 1 image Stranger sliding in to note that this bisexual manifesto is in solidarity with all queers.
No Nut November has well known connections to fascist ideologies. Therefore it is your solemn duty to have as many orgasms as possible this month. Start masturbating and never stop to combat white supremacy and patriarchal ideals of purity
we're here, we're queer, `Last error: Socket: Connection reset by peer`
API designers and developers, you have to check out Redocly CLI. It’s replaced the old abandonware Speccy which handled linting and bundling, and completely obsoletes Swagger CLI which I’ve thankfully deprecated. #API #OpenAPI #REST #APIDesign As I like to quote from Emma Goldman “No one is lazy. They grow hopeless from the misery of their present existence, and give up." I can't run if my legs are past the point of even being able to walk #FuckCapitalism
Attached: 1 image If you didn’t make it to Chicago for @KubeCon_ join us in London free on 21 November for all things platform engineering #openuk #opensource #kubecon #kubernetes #platformengineering
Suggested Read: No, Okta, senior management, not an errant employee, caused you to get hacked #devopsish
Everyone thinks, haha, these squirrels don't even remember where they hid 90% of the nuts they store for the winter they are so dumb, but nobody ever asks if the squirrels might be out there thinking, my ancestors planted this forest that provides for us all, and my children's children will know the same of me. Yeah, mind you, the only folks we prosecute are the ones who steal from the rich. Stealing from the poor is called “the business model.”
they say autistic people take things literally but they're thinking of kleptomaniacs
But that's a medium-term problem. The long-term issue with "rockstar" developers is that they tend to create a situation where the business says "Oh, we can just give that to Joe to do, because Alan will take too long and do a bad job." So Joe does the work. And Alan never learns. "Rockstar" developers can lull organisations into thinking they don't need to invest in building capability at the *team* level.
Being a cruel sociopath is a lifestyle choice but should not be an electable position. #UKPolitics
A Pinky & Brain spin-off for grown ups that always starts with them sitting tired at coffee in the morning: Pinky: "What are we going to do tonight?" Brain: "Same thing we do every night. Try to go to bed early" And then the whole episode is just about how stuff comes up and prevents them from going to bed early.
Attached: 1 image i too cry when cutting up an onion but it’s with the happiness of knowing i’m releasing the joyful soul trapped within
Attached: 1 image my friends: why do we have to go to the movies AGAIN me:
You don’t have “burnout,” you have stress-induced neurological decline due to long-term brain damage. Giving it a cutesy name may help you discuss it amongst allies, but it will not demand the recognition you need from medical professionals, your peers, or those oppressing you.
A true warrior always stands at the ready to give assistance, but knows that sometimes the best help is to give someone the time and space to help themselves. Knowing that you are willing to lend your strength is sometimes all it takes for those in need to regain theirs.
How are everyone's spoon levels this Wednesday? [ ] 🥄 [ ] 🥄 🥄 🥄 🥄 [ ] ➖ 🥄 [ ] ➖ 🥄 🥄 🥄 🥄
Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics: A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports. Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*. Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA
Saw a job posting touting “no politics at work” as a benefit. Mate, I work in #OpenSource. It's _all_ political. So grab your "no politics at work" and go take a long walk off a short pier.
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