Kind reposts


Reposted Ian Betteridge (
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Remember everyone: if your CEO insists that you can only work at the office, only work when you’re at the office. Leave when your contracted hours end. Do not work at home. Take whatever your contracted breaks are. Oh and join a union.


Reposted C J Silverio (
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So: Mu. Ask a different question. You have dependencies. You will always have them. Choose them thoughtfully. Invent where it matters most to you, and re-use where it does not, and where you can benefit from somebody else's care & testing. Talk your employers into sponsoring the important ones if you can, because that will improve their quality. Probably. There is no such thing as free-as-in-lunch software. FIN


Reposted Jens Bannmann (
Post details That EU law does not require a #CookieBanner unless the web site wants to track your clicks or sell your data. Because people do not understand this, they think "stupid EU law" instead of... - "website owner has no respect for consumer rights" - "website owner has no solid business plan and just hopes for a few bucks from the advertisement industry" #GDPR


Reposted Heather Buchel (
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Also, if you're like me, and were raised to scoff at people who needed to hire cleaning services as it is a "rich lazy" person thing, I urge you to absolutely let go of that. The last two years I've been incredibly burnt out both from work and from, idk, probably 39 years of undiagnosed autism. If you can pay for an accommodation like this to help give yourself some space to breathe, do it.


Reposted Ana Rodrigues (
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My no-nuance take on the recent discourse: I am not less than the other people in the IndieWeb community for not having a fancy, automated, cool setup on my personal website. Nobody has ever made me feel that way. It doesn't matter if all you have is a simple page with your name and email. If there is one place where you can do whatever you want and how you want is your personal website. I'm lucky to have found a community that supports this.


Reposted Thib (
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Contributing to open source is a privilege. It doesn't mean you have cheated to do it or that you don't deserve praise for doing it! It only means that not everyone can do it. You need the skills, time and will to do it in addition to doing whatever you need to have a good life. Not everyone has that time. Not everyone works in the field. We must acknowledge it to meaningfully convey the value of open source in society. #opensource #privilege


Reposted jwz (
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@docpop STOP DOING EMBEDS Things dreamed up by the UTTERLY DERANGED: <iframe src=" that is not yours..."> <script src=""> "Hello I would like to mine bitcoin for you" "Thank you for the tracking cookies and single point of failure" THEY HAVE PLAYED US FOR ABSOLUTE FOOLS


Reposted Dana Fried (
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Fuck everyone who uses "unalive" with zero sense of irony. Fucking socmed algorithm brain poisoning. Say "kill". Say "murder". Say "suicide". Say "rape". Say "pedophile". Say what you mean. If people need to not see or hear those words they'll use a filter. (Or if you're on a platform where you feel like you're forced to elide a word, make it obvious you know you're being censored and don't use stupid euphemisms like it's a totally normal thing to do.)


Reposted Terence Eden (
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OK! I *think* I've finished. You can now "rescue" any embedded Tweet and recreate it as simple HTML - no tracking. Includes: 🗣 Avatars inlined as WebP 📸 All attached photos inlined 🎥 Video poster inline, <video> to original mp4 🔗 Hyperlinks don't use #️⃣ Hashtags & @ mentions linked 🔄 Includes reply threads & quote Tweets 🕰 Semantic time 🔍 metadata 🖼 Cards 📊 Polls ♥ , ♻ & 🗨 counts One command. No API key needed. Code at Feedback *very* much welcome!


Reposted phillmv (
Post details every now and then i feel like im taking crazy pills because i remember when aaron swartz killed himself because he was going to go to jail forever because he scraped JSTOR, and eleven years later your manager tells you “sshhhh it’s fine just scrape all of it don’t worry the CEO said it’s fine”


Reposted Jeff (
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I used "crowdstrike" as a verb at work today, to paraphrase: "CI is broken because github crowdstruck us with a bad rust compiler update". AKA: usable any time an automatic update from a vendor breaks your infrastructure. All I'm saying is, if they didn't want this neologism, they shouldn't have ruined my flight home from Italy. #crowdstrike


Reposted raganwald 🍓 (
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I used to just block ads and leave it up to others to handle the Digital Panopticon. But now I ask myself, “Why am I giving these people oxygen? If they feel their creativity is best presented with a popup that is surrounded by a blur to force you to interact with it, and then when you make it go away there are header and footer ads, and every two paragraphs there is an ad… I can take a moment and find a different page.” I no longer link to pages that are ads interrupted with content. 🚫


Reposted Martin Seeger (
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**Concerning CrowdStrike:** We are now at t+26h. Please compare how much we knew about the xz-attack after less than a day with what we know about the chain of events of giant outage yesterday. If something similar had been caused by an OSS component, we would see congress discussing a ban on open software in critical infrastructure already.


Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image In 6 months to 30 April number of people whos code was accepted into open source projects (committers) from the UK increase increased by 1,600 compared to 1,700 in the previous 12 months. Read the OpenUK report to understand OpenUK's plan to build more contributors to open source projects from the UK and our Skills ask of the government. #opensource #theopenmanifesto #openuk


Reposted Dave Anderson (
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Also, quick note for crowdstrike execs: everyone can see you looking over at that bus, considering your options, limbering up your throwing arm... Just a note that the people you probably want to hire are watching reeeally closely how you're going to handle this, and are taking notes. The shareholders may be into human sacrifices, but the people you need to run your business aren't. Choose wisely.


Reposted Jessica🏳️‍🌈 (
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I once ran my own personal URL shortener but eventually killed it because it wasn't that useful, but I kept the links working, and in fact they still work _to this day_ because I converted them from a dynamic PHP web application to a little list of nginx URL redirects. Google have comparatively infinite budget and can't figure out how to be a respectful web citizen.