I will be attending
Kind rsvps
I will be attending
I will be attending
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I will be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
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I will not be attending
I will not be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
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I will not be attending
I will not be attending
I will not be attending
I will be attending
I will not be attending
As mentioned in https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2019/12/9pwds/ I'm enjoying some sun in Tenerife!
I will not be attending
Both Jess and Moreton are great speakers, so this is no doubt going to be a great event full of lots of great tips for being better at public speaking!
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I will be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
I will not be attending
I won't be able to make it as I'm in Tenerife, but hope it's a good one!
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I will be attending
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I will be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
I will be attending
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I'm interested in attending
I'm quite up for coming to IndieWeb Summit, but I'd need it to either map to some work while I'm out there, or some holiday, as it's a long way to come. But would be very cool!
I will not be attending
Unfortunately I won't be able to make this despite being in London that day - should be a good one!
I will not be attending
Unfortunately I won't be able to make this due to family circumstances, but hope everyone has a great time!
I will be attending
I will be attending
I will not be attending
Unfortunately I'm going to be unable to make this due to family circumstances - I hope some of you still make it and it's a good one!
I will not be attending
Unfortunately I'm going to be unable to make this due to family circumstances - I'm sure Katie Walker is going to rock it though, and I'll be sad to miss it.