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Kind rsvps
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I will not be attending
It's a shame as this sounds good, but it clashes with https://www.jvt.me/events/homebrew-website-club-nottingham/2019/10/16/ and as it's Hacktoberfest it's going to be pretty busy, methinks!
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This would be cool, but don't think I'll be able to do two IndieWebCamps in a row, especially across the world!
I will not be attending
The POSSE to Twitter looks great! But unfortunately I won't be able to make it all that way
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I will be attending
I'm looking forward to my first IndieWebCamp, as well as visiting Amsterdam again with Anna. We're planning on taking a couple days' holiday post-IWC, so that should be really nice too!
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I will be attending
This is going to be a very interesting talk - there is so much of this around (I'm guilty too) and it'll be good to hear some more about it from James Seconde
I will be attending
Exciting to have another meetup re-start, as well as this being a very interesting topic
I will not be attending
Unfortunately I won't be able to make it as Anna and I have plans that night - but please do go ahead and meet!
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I will be attending
I'm super excited for another chance to see Terence Eden speak! He's always brilliant, and most definitely knows his stuff.
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After the previous iteration of DevOps Nottingham died a death, it's exciting to see a new one starting again!
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Unfortunately this clashes with the Women in Tech Takeover Digital Lincoln (https://www.meetup.com/digitallincoln/events/261313886/)
I will be attending
This will be the first time I'm attending Tech On Toast / TechFast, so I'm not looking forward to the early start, but Dan will make it worth it!
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I originally thought I would be able to make it to this, but it looks like I'll no longer be able to go!