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I'm sure that their state backed insurance means that no customer is left out of pocket…? Perhaps their central bank can trace and invalidate all the stolen tokens…? At least they were regularly audited by professionals - which makes this sort of thing rare…?Post details
Important Notice: We are sorry to announce that #PolyNetwork was attacked on @BinanceChain @ethereum and @0xPolygon Assets had been transferred to hacker's following addresses: ETH: 0xC8a65Fadf0e0dDAf421F28FEAb69Bf6E2E589963 BSC: 0x0D6e286A7cfD25E0c01fEe9756765D8033B32C71Poly Network (@PolyNetwork2)Tue, 10 Aug 2021 12:38 +0000
Terence Eden (@edent)Tue, 10 Aug 2021 21:17 +0000
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