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QA is actually really difficult and requires a boatload of critical thinking skills, and good QA is rare and incredibly valuable. -person who has worked as a software engineer with multiple QA departments and has also worked in QA (me)Post details
• QA Testers are devs • QA is integral too getting a game released • Game dev is not defined by who can “change the story” • There is a lot more to games than what you can see with your eye balls. • Demeaning their position because they “just test” is a bad take. stop it.Liz • is 3 Trash Gnomes in a Trench Coat 🧙 (@LizagnaNoodles)Thu, 28 Apr 2022 16:59 +0000
autogynephagia (@retronouns)Fri, 29 Apr 2022 14:07 +0000
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