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It’s a misconception that dev advocacy is the place to go if u don’t like coding. It’s a really skilled role though. Imagine being able to code AND explain it well AND be relatable AND reach a lot of ppl. Harder than it looks. Most devs can’t explain code well imoPost details
What is a developer advocate? People are right to snicker. It comes across as a "can't cut it, moving to marketing" position—and high paying! Kind of like real scientists vs people who speak professionally about it but do no formal research. Your image is about science.Mike Britton (@mbritton)Sat, 04 Jun 2022 18:45 +0000
Rizèl Scarlett 🇦🇬🇬🇾 (@blackgirlbytes)Sat, 04 Jun 2022 19:21 +0000
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