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"Not #bisexual enough" A lot of people have had that thought. Maybe you're in a long-term relationship. Maybe you're single. Maybe you've so far only had relationships with men, or only with women. Feelings count too! Check out our FREE online event next week: #LittleBitBiPost details
New thing! #LittleBitBi. If yr - not 100% straight - not 100% gay - not sure if yr "bi enough" to count as bi - not settled on a label (or might not want one) this is for you! Online, Tue 18 Oct, with mini-talks by me + @MazHedgehog + @nintendomad888!β¦Jennifer Moore (@UnchartedWorlds)Fri, 23 Sep 2022 16:29 +0000
Jennifer Moore (@UnchartedWorlds)Wed, 12 Oct 2022 09:49 +0000
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