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Literally stupid. If I write a function, and EVERYONE uses that function over & over & over because it’s so incredibly useful, do I get LOC credit for every where it’s used? I swear, I’m gonna die whilst yelling “Goodhart’s law! They didn’t listen to Goodhart’s law!”…Post details
Here is a big co secret (esp engineers whose main job is to code) — People will look at lines of code written to decide if you’re in or out. You can cry all about how it’s gameable, it’s not efficient etc. But that’s a metric all big cos use to assess poor performers.
Apoorva Govind (@Appyg99)Sat, 05 Nov 2022 15:31 GMT
Kyle Shevlin (@kyleshevlin)Mon, 07 Nov 2022 06:53 GMT
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