EdenDestroyer (He/Him) (
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Batman has the potential of being a hero by one very significant element (imo) that he isnt a billionaire in a sense that he made himself one from the ground up (as in he proactively, consciously got up the class ladder by exploiting people), but rather is a son to a billionaire family and has experienced first-hand trauma of a corrupt capitalist system that could be analyzed as his family being responsible for producing. I do believe that we can have an anti-fascist bruce wayne, there have been some deconstructive stories about him learning of his family's responsibility in the creation of the corrupt society that he was born into, and there is a hint of restorative justice in batman' stories. But even then, this is me giving a HUUUUUGE benefit of the doubt to batman as an archetype and i would be inclined to agree that my interpretation of batman would need extreme deconstruction of the character from the ground up to make him redeemable. Tags: #Batman
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