This is the reason I infrequently post photos, because I want to spend the time to write good alt text, so don't just upload photos with sub-standard descriptions
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I don't know.. I feel like this is going to be unpopular, but I'm going to say it. I feel like not posting AltText because "I don't know how", or "I don't have the time/energy" needs to just fucking stop. If you don't know how - learn. If you don't have the time/energy - save the picture and post when you have the time/energy to AltText it. It's giving businesses who whine "we didn't build a ramp because they're expensive.." If the social model of disability is a thing (it is!) then the onus for accessibility is on able people (it is!) Accessibility is mandatory. Do better. #Disability #accessibility #AltText
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