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Yesterday some guy made a post in the Baldurs Gate 3 subreddit asking "How can I buy this game?" Obviously the answer is "steam, xbox etc" so I clicked on it like "huh" Turns out the guy (who I presume is a teenager) has been saving for this game for 2 (!) years and thinks he finally has enough funds to buy the game. But, he lives in Egypt. Valve does not support purchases through EGP (Egyptian Pounds). So he has to buy it in USD. But, in Oct 2023 his and other banks in Egypt, disallowed debit cards from making purchases in foreign currency. So he can't buy the game, what does he do? He really wants to own his first game, and he really wants it to be BG3. Suggestions were "use PayPal" "I can't, they're charging in USD too" and "use crypto" (not sure if that was an avenue open to him, but that's an arse ache and rife for scams if you don't know what you're doing).
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