james (
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Its Friday at just past 6pm which means it’s time for your next episode of “jokes I make to my therapist to assert control over the situation in order to avoid being emotionally vulnerable to the person I have paid for the last three and a half years of my own free will specifically to facilitate emotional vulnerability but fuck you im built different” 👩🏻🦰: hi James :) 👨🏻: hi [redacted] :) 👩🏻🦰: how are you doing today? 👨🏻: well that’s an awfully loaded question, isn’t it 🙄 👩🏻🦰: :) how about my other opener then? what’s on your mind for today? 👨🏻: 🙄 👩🏻🦰: 🤭 👨🏻: so anyway I think I’m dying
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