Liked Ricki Is Not A Wizard Tarr (
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Sometimes, I think we need to stop blaming just Capitalism, and get more personal. Lots of countries use a Capitalistic system, but still manage to pay workers fair wages, provide free/inexpensive Healthcare, have paid maternity/paternity leave, longer paid vacation, shorter work weeks, ect. We use the word Capitalism like Christians use The Devil, but it's not some dark mysterious force, it is people who are choosing to treat other people like actual garbage, it is people who are making laws, people who are denying rights. The derision with which we speak the name of Elon Musk or Donald Trump, should be universal for rich fuckers who choose profits over people. They shouldn't get to hide behind, Oh, that's just late stage Capitalism. It's a choice for them, and it's a choice for the lobbyists who promote them, and it's a choice for the politicians who put those laws into action.

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