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Off topic random thought about pain. Just remembered something I read once, where a mom gave advice to another mom to give their kid “toddler sedative” and the other mom was “wait what?” and the first mom went “You know, Tylenol” the second goes “that’s not a sedative” first says “works for me, when my kid gets all fussy and cries all the time it knocks him right out” And I’m: … 🙈 madam, if your kid cries a lot and settles right down when they get a painkiller… THEY’RE IN PAIN Why don’t we talk about that more? Just because someone doesn’t have language, and can’t tell you what hurts, doesn’t mean they don’t experience pain. Heard it happen to a lot of autistic folks too, and then people say things like “they have a higher pain threshold” Dude. Just because someone doesn’t have the same pain reaction as you, doesn’t mean their experience is any different.

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