I'm very excited to announce that I'll be speaking at #StateOfOpenCon in February!

I'll be giving a new talk, I inherited this project, and all I got was all these angry users, in particular talking about my experience with maintaining oapi-codegen and some insights into what it's like on the other side of the "why won't you merge this PR" and countless "any update??" comments πŸ˜…

I'd also like to say a bit thanks to @openuk for the honour of kicking off the day at the Software and Security track πŸ€“

Hope to see some of you there - tickets are now available!

#soocon25 #OpenUK

A social sharing card from OpenUK, indicating "all I want for Christmas is a ticket to State of Open Con" and indicating that I, Jamie Tanna, the Chief Blogger @ jvt.me is speaking on the Software and Security track. The conference is on the 4th-5th February in London

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