What great leaders don't do after you resign

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If, after quitting your job, you hear or get notified about your ex-leader doing these : Speaking negatively about your departure Undermining your decision by criticizing you, your new role or company Attempting to make you feel guilty Spreading resentment throughout the organisation Taking the resignation as a personal attack Prioritizing their own interests over those of the team Being absent or unavailable for the team during the transition Spreading gossip about you Delaying or writing vague performance appraisals or recommendations for you Displaying an “it’s all about me” attitude Failing to acknowledge their own mistakes or shortcomings Blaming others for failures or problems within the team These behaviours scream insecurity, selfishness, and a lack of confidence in building and retaining talent. They crush team morale, erode trust, and send a clear message to the rest of the team: ‘You’re disposable too.’

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