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This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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The personal website of Paul Robert Lloyd
Autistic me: Loves books but does not have the mental stamina to sit and read a book from start to finish for hours on end. So instead consumes short-form content online for hours and hours. Yeah because this makes sense... #actuallyautistic
I personally avoid it. If the person I'm talking about has been ie legally classed as insane, then maybe but I prefer to avoid the terms altogether
Anyone who says they get more traffic to their site from Mastodon than Twitter is... misguided at best. Mastodon appends "noreferrer" to every external link. Your browser literally doesn't tell the server where it clicked from. Now, some writers might be putting different tracking on their Twitter and Mastdon links. But, by design, Mastodon doesn't show up in servers referral logs. Whether that's a good thing or not is left as an exercise for the reader.
TIL tl;dr they give you a broken server and have you figure out how to fix it like a CTF, but for devops instead of security!
Linux Troubleshooting Interview DevOps SRE
Seriously, Write Your API Spec First "Imagine you’re building a house. Would you rather the crew draft a blueprint ahead of time and build to that spec? Or would you rather them go off and build your house then create a blueprint of what they built when they were done?" -- #AllenHelton #ReadySetCloud #api360 #apiDesign #apiFirst
Attached: 1 image STOP DOING OFFICES
Attached: 1 image Meanwhile, in Upper Toblerone, the trains are running on time.
Richard delves into his evolving perspective on sustainability in open-source projects, advocating for a shift towards values such as human rights, joy, and mitigating harm.
I don’t know the answer to many of the world’s great problems. But have they tried diverting all power to the forward array? That worked for us often.
i need to start replying like an asshole “i have a masters degree in international human rights law but please, do explain war crimes to me”
why did it have to be guy who played the friends character with an inappropriately sarcastic response to absolutely everything I am slightly sad but also trying so hard not to type inappropriately sarcastic catchphrasey commentary
Attached: 1 image Are y'all dressing up for Halloween? I'm dressing up as a friendly ghost.💁♀️😆
Thank you to this week's sponsor, Backend Banter!ProposalsAccepted: spec: add range over int, range over funcRange over int targeted for Go 1.22Range over func targeted for Go 1.22 behind the GOEXPERIMENT=rangefunc flagAccepted: go/version: package for handling Go version stringsAccepted: io/fs,...
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Between and I took 7955 steps.
At this point, I'm willing to learn Go to get a job, lol. (
If you attended the panel at #LFMemberSummit about open source software viability and project selection (or even if you didn't), you might want to listen to the CHAOSScast episode on this topic from last week.
When people invite you to dinner/movie.. the chances are the activity is just an excuse to meet up and the real objective is to socialise. I find this endearing, for years I didn’t know this. I used to automatically assume that the suggested activity was the *main* purpose of a meet-up. I thought an invitation to dinner meant that the predominant point of focus was the FOOD, or an invitation to watch a movie meant the MOVIE was the centrepiece of the night. #actuallyautistic
Too spoon depleted to be diplomatic and return to the comments on one of my LinkedIn posts about #HealthAndSafety. Will have to wait. But two things strike me: 1) Requiring masks is doable at any scale of event. It's the most effective (cost & impact) way of mitigating spread of airborne disease. And if you have a Code of Conduct, you already have the tools for enforcement. 2) Stop putting the burden of inclusion on marginalized people 😠 #DEI #OpenSource #FOSS #Events #PHPledge
Like many kids, I remember drawing out the letters of my name in interesting ways in the margin of my notebook or on random scrap paper. I always liked the symmetry of the W and M in “William”, and …
Attached: 2 images B-roll from family photo shoot this morning.
This week we’re taking you to the hallway track of All Things Open 2023 in Raleigh, NC. Today’s episode features: Matthew Sanabria (former Engineer at HashiCorp working on Terraform Enterprise), Nithya Ruff (Chief Open Source Officer and Head of the Open Source Program Office at Amazon) & Jordan Harband (Open Sourc...
Just a few things I struggle with: - Having to put on a vivacious, inauthentic display of happiness at a moment’s notice. - Having to adjust to a new item coming into my possession. - Finding somewhere to put it. - Potentially having to change my plans/do something out of character to use the item. #actuallyautistic
Attached: 1 image Nigel has it on good authority that today is National Black Cat Day* ! As is appropriate on this festive occasion, please shower your closest black cat(s) with love and appreciation. ("Just like you should every other day," adds Nigel.) * #CatsOfMastodon
a lot of furry kinks involve clothing being ripped in some way, a reflection of the common innermost fantasy of being able to afford another pair of jeans
The ADHD experience is having a growing collection of empty notebooks, pristine water bottles, and untouched to-do apps, each one a monument to good intentions.
All the stuff in your house used to be money. And all that money used to be time.
I’m just a girl, sitting in front of a TV, yelling at every character who speaks to the police without a lawyer
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So McDonald's is giving away free fries for the rest of the year... ... if you use their mobile app ... and agree to the updated terms and conditions ... which say: if you use this app you waive your right to trial in any class action lawsuits against McDonalds." We live in the lamest dystopia. The stuff that got edited out of Snow Crash.
Yes absolutely! I've found doing this has also really helped as a neurodiverse person as well as giving me a ridiculous back catalogue of posts - half of my blog is this sort of stuff 😁
If you finally found the solution to your coding problem in a deep comment or something after having dozens of tabs open, you should write about it in your own blog. Really. Describe the problem in your own words and the solution for it, even if the solution seems really obvious now. Doesn’t matter. Give credit and whatever, but use your own words because you will be surprised at how many people will land on it. Write the blog post you wish you had found.
Between and I took 5162 steps.
So.. you are “just not that into politics?” -Your Boss is -Your Landlord is -Your Insurance Company is And everyday they use their political power to keep your pay low, raise rent, and deny you coverage. It’s time to get into politics.
Not sure why Trump is saying "cum for us" as a chant.. obviously he doesn't know we're in the middle of Locktober & NOvember: (Yes, this is a lewd political joke, but I still am stumped by the whole thing)
tfw terraform changes license nixos marks it as unfree CI fails because my build depends on unfree packages
Attached: 1 image public service announcement in order to spell banana on a mobile device you need to draw a banana on your keyboard
does anyone else get really annoyed when they go to therapy and their therapist gets them to talk about their issues? and then through talking you realise you have issues? maybe it’s just me
I'm not necessarily saying that my female ancestors escaped shitty marriages with poison but I am saying that I come from a long line of avid gardeners who outlived their husbands by decades
Attached: 1 image begging dudes like this to realize that no-fault divorce and equal pay laws are the only reason that they don’t know what coffee tastes like when it’s sweetened with antifreeze
Attached: 1 image FOSS Backstage will return March 4-5th next year! Join us for two days of exciting talks and discussions in Berlin or Online! Early Bird Ticket are now on sale and our #CfP is still open until the mid of November. Find out more at #fossback
People will have an "evil arc" and it's literally just setting healthy boundaries.
going viral on here was such a pleasant experuence