IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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In today's #NaBloPoMo article I wrote about my experience of the misjudged emails I received from AirBnB earlier this year, and the impact that had. This experience reaffirmed for me that Sara Wachter-Boettcher and's book Design for Real Life is as needed now as it was in 2016. #ContentDesign #UXWriting
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Someone here called me “profoundly relatable” and I think that kinda sums up my brand very succinctly? 😂😂😂
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API designers and developers, you have to check out Redocly CLI. It’s replaced the old abandonware Speccy which handled linting and bundling, and completely obsoletes Swagger CLI which I’ve thankfully deprecated. #API #OpenAPI #REST #APIDesign
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Redocly CLI is a brilliant new tool from the folks who made ReDoc, the first beautiful API reference documentation tool powered by OpenAPI. This CLI tool goes a lot further than documentation, and helps with “linting” (automated API Style Guides), and solves the biggest problem that I had previously been

I may be attending
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A case study in why thoughtful content matters

Between and I took 7892 steps.
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I co-found Protect Earth in 2020 and none of us knew how big it would become. We plant tens of thousands of trees all over the country every year, and for me that work is entirely unpaid. Being brutally honest I could do with some help.

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Hello #IndieWeb enthusiasts. I’m holding an unofficial Homebrew Website Club at the Lord Nelson Inn near Brighton station tomorrow evening. I’ll be there around 17:30, wrapping up around 20:00. #ffconf folk most welcome! I’ll post more information when I’ve found a spot, but if you look for a balding dude with a beard and a dubious waxed moustache the odds are good that you’ll find me.
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Me: Oh, my editor can't have a look at stuff yet. I guess I get a Writer Snow Day. 🧠: Your side of the work in git. You could branch and… Me: Can't hear you. Dum de dum de dum. Writer Snow Day. Tra la la. Doot de doo.
Post details As I like to quote from Emma Goldman “No one is lazy. They grow hopeless from the misery of their present existence, and give up." I can't run if my legs are past the point of even being able to walk #FuckCapitalism

Thank you, that's helped me get there with the changes I needed 🏼
Thank you, that's helped me get there with the changes I needed 🏼
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Listen to Ep 212: Garth Marenghi from Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster. Dreamweaver, doomsage and Sunday Times best-selling horror writer Garth Marenghi joins us in the Nightmare Restaurant this week. Listen to this episode now, before it’s too late… Garth Marenghi’s new book ‘Incarcerat’ is out now in hardback and audiobook, published by Coronet. Buy it here. Garth’s previous book ‘Terrortome’ in now available in a limited pleather-bound edition. Buy it here. Garth is also on tour. Buy tickets here. Recorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design) and Amy Browne (illustrations).Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.And go to our website for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.

Thanks! I think I'd looked at that before, I think I'm trying to avoid hardcoding too much as the advisory_type
can be one of several things, but I'll give it a go, it's deffo better than what I'm doing right now 🤞🏽
Anyone know a good place to ask #sqlite or #sql questions?
I'm trying to convert rows (produced by a big query that then uses a GROUP BY advisory_type
) that produces data like:
-- the `advisory_type` can be one of multiple values, i.e. SECURITY, DEPRECATED, UNSUPPORTED
repo advisory_type total_advisories
------ ------------- ---------------- SECURITY 10 DEPRECATED 5
And I'm trying to convert this to:
repo total_security total_deprecated total_unmaintained
------ ------------- ---------------- ---------------- 10 5 0
Any clue how I'd go about doing so? Happy to provide more details / some data for you to query too, but been playing around with it on and off and not really having any luck.
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Attached: 1 image "Find yourself a man who looks at you like this courtroom artist looks at SBF"

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Attached: 1 image If you didn’t make it to Chicago for @KubeCon_ join us in London free on 21 November for all things platform engineering #openuk #opensource #kubecon #kubernetes #platformengineering

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Suggested Read: No, Okta, senior management, not an errant employee, caused you to get hacked #devopsish
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"Are you mocking this in test?" "aRe yOU MOCKINg tHiS iN Test?" 😢
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Terminal autocomplete has been done before, but this is pretty good #cli #commandline #terminal
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IDE style command line auto complete. Contribute to microsoft/inshellisense development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Attached: 4 images you might think I’m a shill for Big Leaf, but autumn in Oregon really does look this amazing

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Everyone thinks, haha, these squirrels don't even remember where they hid 90% of the nuts they store for the winter they are so dumb, but nobody ever asks if the squirrels might be out there thinking, my ancestors planted this forest that provides for us all, and my children's children will know the same of me.
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Interesting to hear describe Home Automation as something that should always be additive, because it’s so essential. I didn’t realise until there how much this matched with my views on the web, that important things should always be progressively enhanced.
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How did Spotify scale from 10 engineers to 100s to 1000s ...without slowing down? Without becoming corporate? Facing an IPO deadline, Pia Nilsson worked with 300 teams to transform how Spotify built software. She spearheaded a movement that led them from working in silos to a unified developer platform. Hear the inside story of how Spotify's Platform teams embraced transparency... […]

Between and I took 3257 steps.
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Attached: 1 image

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Note: If I'm not following you back and you want me to, just engage with me somehow! I love having engaged followers!
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I'm Amy Hupe and I care about making services accessible and inclusive, starting with the basics – the words we use to talk about them.

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And for today's #NaBloPoMo blog post: A life update
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A lot of ppl write about how they wish blogs had better reply functionality and that's why blogging will always lose out to social media. They may list solutions to blog replies and even include …
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therapist recommended trying CBT, now I still have anxiety /and/ my balls hurt
Post details Yeah, mind you, the only folks we prosecute are the ones who steal from the rich. Stealing from the poor is called “the business model.”
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At the kind of mainstream developer conference where you overhear folks casually uttering phrases like “he didn’t really do anything too horrible” about Sam Bankman-Fried and I’m so glad to not in any way be part of this swamp. #SiliconValley
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> "why do they call it a building when it's already been built?"
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Attached: 1 image this is word for word what my last performance review said

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Gentoo’s process for removing packages from the main gentoo package repository is designed to make me aware of it and give me time to react, and I really appreciate that.
Sorry to hear about COVID, glad you're feeling a bit better now and hope it's gone soon 🤗
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Between and I took 11997 steps.