IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Reposted Jason Gorman (
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But that's a medium-term problem. The long-term issue with "rockstar" developers is that they tend to create a situation where the business says "Oh, we can just give that to Joe to do, because Alan will take too long and do a bad job." So Joe does the work. And Alan never learns. "Rockstar" developers can lull organisations into thinking they don't need to invest in building capability at the *team* level.


Reposted Daniel (
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A Pinky & Brain spin-off for grown ups that always starts with them sitting tired at coffee in the morning: Pinky: "What are we going to do tonight?" Brain: "Same thing we do every night. Try to go to bed early" And then the whole episode is just about how stuff comes up and prevents them from going to bed early.


Liked New pricing strategy by fluffy 
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After years of constantly lowering my prices, trying to get a vanishingly-small amount of sales on things I care about, I’ve decided to raise everything and make it uniform, across all of my music …


Liked quintessence 🖤 🕯️ (
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Getting ready for KubeCon. It's going to be a mixed experience, not gonna lie. Our home is still filled with what would've been our lives, so I'm grateful for the travel distraction 💔 I'll have a few copies of her book for anyone who happens to find me at the conference : Where's Waldo : For the unfamiliar: the book is about modeling capitalism as a navigable system. The goal is to reach traditionally underrepresented folks who weren't Just Told How It Works.


Listened to Observing the power of APIs with Jean Yang, head of API Observability at Postman (Changelog Interviews #564)
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Jean Yang’s research on programming languages at Carnegie Mellon led her to realize that APIs are the layer that makes or breaks quality software systems. Unfortunately, developers are underserved by tools for dealing with, securing & understanding APIs. That realization led her to found Akita Software, which led h...


Liked BrianKrebs (
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Today marks one year since I walked away from 360,000 followers on that other site joined this incredible community here! That was easily one of the most positive moves I've ever made, and I frankly haven't looked back. Thank you to @jerry and everyone else who keeps this place humming. Come to think of it, it's time to renew our annual support!


Liked Alex Wilson (
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Most senior roles, technology or otherwise, should be able to strike a good balance between solving existing problems and creating new problems. In aggregate, they should solve more problems than they create, and this is how we make progress; fulfilling general goals but also agitating for improvements. One of my line managers once called this "looking for the right kind of trouble".


Listened to Cup o' Go | ❄️ Be unique, just like everyone else & interview with 📦 testcontainers maintainer Manuel de la Peña
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Thank you to this week's sponsor, Backend Banter!🛡️ Security pre-release announcementGo 1.21.4 and 1.20.11 coming on Tuesday, November 7Conferences🇮🇪 GopherCon Ireland yesterday🇸🇬 GopherCon Singapore ongoing, yesterday and today🇬🇧 Fyne Conf today🇦🇺 GopherCon AU, November 10-11🇨🇳 GopherChina,...


Liked Filippo Valsorda :go: (
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Since I always vent about other language ecosystems when they suck, I want to also share a counterexample. Today I spent the day doing tooling integration and testing and compatibility work on and things mostly just worked, including Node/Bun/esbuild, and ES Modules, and Typescript, and Puppeteer, and GitHub Actions.


Reposted mcc (
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Fascinating both for what it says about dev & what it says about statistics: A gamedev realized Linux users were just 5.8% of their sales, but represented 38% of bug reports. Then they looked at those numbers closer, and realized. Linux users were not experiencing more bugs. Almost none of the Linux-user bugs were Linux-related. Linux users were simply *more likely to file bugs*. Their conclusion: A linux port pays for itself bc it nerdsnipes ppl into giving u free QA


This is why I always would post Twitter HTML embeds, then remove their JS widget, so it stayed plain and unchanged


Liked Ryan Townsend (
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Attached: 1 image “It’s shit, but it worked” – as said himself, this slide doesn’t do the full story justice: This reinforces why progressive enhancement is so very important. #PerfNow #WebDev