IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked The Threads team is exploring a content publishing API I’ve replied to encourage them to consider adopting #micropub rather than defining their own unique API. They’ve committed to support ActivityPub so if they’re serious about the open web then Micropub should also be considered. by Barry Frost 
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The Threads team is exploring a content publishing API I’ve replied to encourage them to consider adopting #micropub rather than defining their own unique API. They’ve committed to support ActivityPub …


Liked Jamie Tanna - State of Open Conference 24 by Elefteria Kokkinia 
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Jamie Tanna Jamie (he/him) has been an Open Source contributor longer than he’s been working, finding an early interest in the differences between various Open Source and Free Software licenses and the ethical and moral obligations we should follow as folks building and consuming software. Jamie’s a strong believer in building Open-first where possible, and … Jamie Tanna Read More »


Listened to Thoughtworks Technology Podcast: What's it like to maintain an award-winning open source tool?
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Open source contributors and maintainers play a vital role in the technology ecosystem. But what's it like to develop and maintain an open source tool — especially one that thousands of other developers use and depend on? In this episode of the Technology Podcast, Srinivasan Sekar and Sai Krishna join hosts Rebecca Parsons and Scott Shaw to discuss their work on AppiumTestDistribution, an open source tool that supports test automation framework Appium. AppiumTestDistribution won a LambdaTest Delta Award at the August 2023 Testμ Conference. Listen to Sekar and Krishna explain how the project emerged, how they approach maintaining and evolving the tool and what it takes to be a part of an award-winning open source project.


Listened to Reflections on the LF OSS Maintainer Report by CHAOSS Project 
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In today’s episode, the conversation dives deep into the Linux Foundation Research Open Source Maintainers Report. Georg, Alyssa, Dawn, Sophia, and Anita engage in a thoughtful discussion about the report's methodology, findings, and implications for open source projects. They explore topics such as the challenges of obtaining a representative sample in open source research, the bias toward technical contributors, and the importance of considering the long-term engagement lifecycle of contributors. Additionally, they touch upon the report's best practices, including documentation and diversity, and how these practices can be connected across different categories. Download this episode now to learn more!


Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image Exciting news! 🚀 The CFP for #SOOCon24 kicks off TOMORROW, and guess what? We've got an Open Source Software Track! If you're passionate about open-source software, we're eager to hear your ideas. Get ready to submit your proposals! 🌐


Reposted Aral Balkan (
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Just got notice that RIPE NCC will not be funding the #SmallWeb. Not surprising, since we haven’t had a single successful funding application and I’m done wasting my time with this crap. will launch as a commercial service (host your own Small Web place for ~€10/mo) and hopefully that will make Small Technology Foundation sustainable. Since everything we do is free and open, others will also be able to host Small Web places. Also, you can fund us directly:


Listened to Interview with Jonathan Hall - Talking DevOps, Go and Continuous Delivery in Reverse - Richard Bown
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I talk to Jonathan Hall about all things DevOps from small companies to large companies and where the customer fits in the often technical story of our code development and deployment. How do you bring junior devs up to speed responsibly? How do we as an industry think of DevOps tooling and how much is… Read More »Interview with Jonathan Hall – Talking DevOps, Go and Continuous Delivery in Reverse


You should be able to use after enumerating all of your repos, if a bit of a manual hacky hacking is what you'd be happy doing!


Reposted mhoye (
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People go to Stack Overflow because the docs and error messages are garbage. TLDR exists because the docs and error messages are garbage. People ask ChatGPT for help because the docs and error messages are garbage. We are going to lose a generation of competence and turn programming into call-and-response glyph-engine supplicancy because we let a personality cult that formed around the PDP-11 in the 1970s convince us that it was pure and good that docs and error messages are garbage.


Finally got there about half an hour ago. Almost uninterrupted attempts since 1700 yesterday, and at least several times it failed part way, or went to verify post download only to redownload 😡


Liked Andy Smith (
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Last time I brought this up on a UK-based technical mailing list, an entrepreneur—themself from a historically persecuted ethnic group—told me that, "no one cares". Well, I can't make anyone care but if you are in the position to advise on or choose a domain name you should maybe at least know some of the history behind .IO before buying one. Read this article from

 Reply wrote a few years back that may be of interest, in the IndieWeb community Aaron Parecki built and it's been really great for what we need (including being used outside of the IndieWeb community such as for