Post details
Attached: 1 image Adults need badges too #adulting
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Attached: 1 image Adults need badges too #adulting
This is the 7th edition of People and Blogs, the series where I ask interesting people to talk about themselves and their blogs. Today we have Ana …
I spend an unreasonable amount of time making sure my blog renders well even if CSS isn't loaded. Whether it's a dodgy Internet connection, a text-only browser, or something else - it's nice knowing that my blog is in a logical order and perfectly usable without decorations. So fire up Lynx or w3m and take a look at your site. What do you need to change?
Just found the Google Sound Amplifier app for people who need ambient noises amplified. Really useful! Needs headphones in but definitely boosts. Except it only uses the phone microphone. You can't attach a different microphone and set it to use that. Alternatives?
Attached: 1 image I’m starting something new! 🤗🎉 Own Your Web is a newsletter for anyone who wants to design, build, create, and publish on the Web. Whether you want to get started with your own personal website or level up as a designer, developer, or independent creator working with the ever-changing material of the Web, this little email is for you. 💚✊ Sign up here: 👉 #OwnYourWeb #newsletter #web RT=❤️
Google recently killed off Pixel Pass, a service that would upgrade your Pixel phone after two years and include some extra goodies, like YT Premium, and 200 GB of Drive. It lasted for only 23 mont...
"Why women dey less likely to ask questions for public?" - BBC News Pidgin
Between and I took 7461 steps.
Gerhard joins us for the 12th Kaizen and this time talk about what we DIDN’T do. We were holding S3 wrong, we put some cash back in our pockets, we enabled HTTP/3, Brotli compression, and Fastly websockets, we improved our SLOs, we improved Changelog Nightly, and we’re going to KubeCon 2023 in Chicago.
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Attached: 4 images adultbel pictures I made
"Unleash your Creativity with the power of Leonardo Ai " Maybe change that to "unleash your ability to generate images based on the *actual* talents of others with unethical art sourcing while claiming that you're a creative person because you don't care" Confluence is /dev/null as a service, but with added CVEs I found explainxkcd a useful source when I made my own xkcd searcher (now a dead project) The transcript sections would be a good source for real alt text e.g. Edit: explainxkcd is still alive; my searcher doesn’t exist anymore still a WIP but the author of “alt text reminder bot” has been working on this for a few years
Absolutely love the summary pages 👏🏽 I manually do some of this while writing my Week Notes but love the format of your summary pages - deffo gonna have a look at using Trakt 👀 good episode. On the topic of “life streams,” there are some people like me in the #IndieWeb community that use our websites for this purpose. I record every podcast I listen to on automatically. Every show and movie through Trakt. Every significant place I go with Swarm. My location in realtime using Overland (, and more. My stream: A monthly summary of activity:
Ooh yeah this looks like it may be more what I want, thanks! That transcript should be a great start 😁
Thank you to this week's sponsor, Koyeb!Go 1.21.3 and 1.20.10 releasedProposalsRetracted: untyped builtin zeroAccepted: Move wiki to x/websiteRelated discussion (closed for now): Should the Go project stop importing GitHub PRs?Ongoing discussion: encoding/json/v2Checkout last week's episode for...
Between and I took 6046 steps.
Attached: 1 image #politics
Interesting viewpoint, I like it! I'm a fan of keeping all the things forever (and maybe "deleting it" but keeping a copy myself) but I like your perspective too
Attached: 2 images It’s worth transitioning just so you can look good even after an afternoon of construction work. #trans
Reminder that if a cishet tech dude says "but 'guys' is a gender neutral term" ask them how many 'guys' they've slept with and watch them freak out
I did a thing👀 This is off the back of amazing work by / with and Gregor Hohpe. My hope is to get more eyes on the concepts of Thinnest Viable (in addition to Minimum Viable) Platforms and Floating Platforms. Let me know what you think!
Attached: 1 image ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Screenshot attached for saved-you-a-click convenience.)
I’m so happy to have been featured in the latest edition of the beautiful You can still sign up to their newsletter or subscribe to the RSS feed and check the previous editions on the website. But here’s my contribution to it 💛
Deactivated my Microsoft account. That'll be over a decade of games, achievements, history, email and the like all gone once it's done. That was not an easy choice to make. And now I'll be alienating myself from anyone who plays on there. I still have my 360 (and a bunch of games to play on) so I'll keep that but I'll probably look to homebrew it so I can pull my stats into a SQLite database somewhere. I'm at the point now where I care a lot less if I "miss out". It'll be on Steam (because PC gaming - though still a cliff, once climbed - brings it to everyone) or GOG or what have you. I'm putting my faith into PC gaming, too. It's what got me into gaming (on library computers) and it's what keeps me interested. Never had a PlayStation so never had to worry about that. (
Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification and XDG user directories - GitHub - adrg/xdg: Go implementation of the XDG Base Directory Specification and XDG user directories
This week we’re joined by Marcin Kulik to talk about his project asciinema. You’ve likely seen this out there in the wild — asciinema lets you record and share your terminal sessions in full fidelity. Forget screen recording apps that offer blurry video. asciinema provides a lightweight, text-based approach to terminal...
Content warning: terraform, other peoples code, formatting
What is curl? curl is an open source command line tool and embeddable library for transferring data over a network.
Attached: 1 image My cat refuses to sit in my lap, but insists on sitting in a basket that is in my lap. She gets in the basket and then meows at me until I put the basket in my lap 😂
Excited that it's only a week until my first #TechMids conference - there's a great lineup that I'm excited to be part of, and always excited to share dependency-management-data some more with the world, and learn from some excellent industry folks 🤓
I just tooted, in regard to the long ago removal of RSS feeds from Twxtter, Fxcebook etc, that they “shit those down to enhance lock-in”. I meant “shut those down” not “shit those down” but now in my headcanon “to shit down” means to enshittify a product by removing a feature that is beloved to users but obstructs profit-maximization.
Attached: 1 image Twitter removed one of the most wholesome bird references. It must have been a ton of work to build this brand and it's amazing how fast it can be destroyed.
Now that I’ve finally located Israel on a world map I’m ready to provide some insightful commentary on the current conflict. 1/567
What’s the place we buy stickers from now?
you cannot be a convincing impostor unless you know how to do your tasks
i go to mastodon. i complain about bug. rando says "treatment is simple. great clown maintainer is on github tonight. file an issue. that should fix your bug." i burst into tears. say: "but rando.... i am maintainer"
Attached: 1 image #opensource dev be like
going around checking on all my twitter clones like i’m watering the plants
Just spent an hour debugging something because I had a “-“ instead of a “_”. Sometimes I can’t wait til AI takes over my job.
Attached: 1 image October is for Organizing! Get 40% off a Reading List for labor organizers and soon-to-be labor organizers. Use coupon code ORGANIZE until 11/1 and see all the books at
see the bad part about software development is that it involves thinking sometimes
Why crafting a good presentation title is annoyingly important, and annoyingly hard I hate choosing titles for my talks. Titles have to be…
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Attached: 1 image My Droidcon London-themed swag is straight 🔥 Come find me during the conference to get some exclusive 🍝 and see the big reveal in person (I really hope it arrives in time) #dcldn23