IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Reposted Nora "double panic" Tindall (
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there are many reasons I personally use mostly FOSS but honestly a big part of it is just on the one hand there's software that doesn't have the feature because nobody's gotten around to implementing it yet and on the other hand there's software that doesn't have the feature anymore because someone intentionally decided to break it and coming into contact with the second one makes me feel super shitty!


Listened to Episode 574: Curating All The Answers - Core Intuition by Manton Reece 
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Daniel and Manton talk about The Verge article on POSSE, which mentions and includes quotes from Manton. They discuss the value of speaking to press to get your message out, and the increasing appeal of cross-posting to multiple social networks. Then they wrap up with testing and the trend of personal automation tools — using computer assistance to create products that are more humane than they might have been otherwise.


Liked Marcus Noble (
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Attached: 1 image I had some amazing news over the weekend… I’m super excited to have been selected as one of the new #CNCF Cloud Native Ambassadors! 🎉 #CNCF #CNCFAmbassadors #CNCFAmbassadors23 #CNCFAmbassadorProgram #KubeCon #CloudNativeCon #CloudNativeAmbassador


Reposted rqsd (@rq)
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Ransomware: > I have installed an unlicensed copy of Oracle Database somewhere on your network. Give me five Bitcoins by the end of the week or I will inform Oracle's legal department.


Reposted Tom Cooper (
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Open source is fundamentally about people. It's an important value to me to pay that forward and throw a few dollars when I can to these champions of our industry. I appreciate GitHub sponsorship & Open Collective for making it really easy to do so. In the corporate world, it's my belief that organizations have a duty as well to harness their vast resources and pay these same maintainers their dues since they benefit the most off that labour.


Liked Terence Eden (
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Anyone who says they get more traffic to their site from Mastodon than Twitter is... misguided at best. Mastodon appends "noreferrer" to every external link. Your browser literally doesn't tell the server where it clicked from. Now, some writers might be putting different tracking on their Twitter and Mastdon links. But, by design, Mastodon doesn't show up in servers referral logs. Whether that's a good thing or not is left as an exercise for the reader.


Liked :mastodon: Mike Amundsen (
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Seriously, Write Your API Spec First "Imagine you’re building a house. Would you rather the crew draft a blueprint ahead of time and build to that spec? Or would you rather them go off and build your house then create a blueprint of what they built when they were done?" -- #AllenHelton #ReadySetCloud #api360 #apiDesign #apiFirst