IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Reposted Charlie Stross (
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What COVID19 has taught us about the Zombie Apocalypse is that there will be zombie denialists, zombie virus infection parties, zombie conspiracy theorists, and politicians ruthlessly exploiting lies about zombies to kill off demographics who won't vote for them—and when a vaccine against Z-virus is invented there will be zombie anti-vaxxers (some of them funded by the Kremlin for shits and giggles).


Liked Steveorevo (
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How retro kick ass is that? Flash is resurrected sans the neglected, proprietary, security ridden, plugin bs of Adobe; thanks to Rust, and modern day sandboxed WebAssembly. No plugin required; small, compact, compatible engine, that unlocks decades of lost SWF content in all its vector visuals, MP3 stereo, and ActionScript-y glory. #flash #adobe #webdev #javascript #rust #retrogaming


Liked Skaly (
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Attached: 1 image New #introduction to connect with all the new awesome people here 😊 Hi! I'm Skaly, an awkward neurodivergent queer who makes a lot of projects and does their best to be as ambitious as possible and to work with the different abilities and disabilities and not against them. I make a living from art, and it's super fluid and challenging but I do what I love, music, handmade jewelry, poetry and film. I'm 23 and UK based but looking to move to the US next year. Art stuff:


Reposted Matthew Skelton (
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PSA: "It's hard to find women to speak at events in Tech" - this is pure bullshit 💩 It's hard to convince women to risk attending a mostly-male event when they cannot see your ally-ship, maybe. But there are plenty of smart, highly capable women in Tech that would significantly enhance your event by speaking there. Build your network. Listen to women. Then get a 50:50 women:men organizing team. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Then listen some more. Maybe then women will say "yes" to your event. #rant


Liked harley ✨ :therian: (
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super excited to be able to publicly share some of my work from the last few months :) Wanted to use GitHub Actions' OIDC IdP for per-repo access to AWS, but got stuck on AWS session tags not being compatible with GHA's claims? What If: You used an inline session policy


Liked Edward Betts (
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Attached: 1 image I bought a cup of coffee from Zero Green on North Street, it came in an edible cup. Normally I carry a reusable cup, but I was happy that I'd forgotten to bring it. The woman behind the counter informed me that the edible cup starts to break down after 40 minutes, so it's best to drink up before then. What a fantastic way to reduce waste. Has anyone else tried this? #ZeroGreen #NorthStreetBristol #BS3 #Bedminster #EdibleCup #ZeroWaste #CoffeeCup


Liked Simon Willison (
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Urgh. Got woken up at 3:19am by a test of the earthquake alert system that was supposed to happen at 10:19am... but they accidentally scheduled it in UTC instead of California time zone! I mean, time zones are hard, but still - such a rookie error


Reposted Brendan (
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Hey folks, I've seen a lot of talk going around about adblockers lately. I worked in the advertising technology and security industry for five years and the one core piece of advice I have is: Holy fuck never give an advertiser your data. You cannot believe how bad it is. Don't. I run three layers of ad block protection and I'd run more if it was feasible. If you want to support creators give them money.


Reposted Dr Albert Sparkletrousers pPhD (
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Support trans women. That includes the woman from the hood. The loud one.The sexworker. The dropout. The one whose hair aint laid and outfit ain't always on point. The one with clear mental health issues. The one with nowhere to go. Not just the models, writers, and public figures. - Devin Lowe #trans #queer #DecoloniseGender #TransWomen #SistaGirl #SistaGirls #SistersNotCisters


Liked mseckington (
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Started playing Deathloop yesterday and it’s exactly what I wanted from a Dishonored followup! Dishonored 2 is one of the few games I’ve played multiple times through, fully explored/unlocked everything and learnt how to speed run. And Deathloop leans into all those aspects in such a brilliant way!


Liked StevenSavage (
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Attached: 1 image This feels like a conversation between Team Fortress 2 characters. <Scout> "I dunno why people go on about 'biological women!'" <Soldier> "ALL WOMEN ARE BEAUTIFUL! Biological! Chemical! Nuclear!" <Spy> "I feel you both don't understand the situation, yet understand it better than many."


Liked Dare Obasanjo (
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Reddit is killing its blockchain based Community Points program because “the resourcing needed was unfortunately too high to justify”. An intern probably pointed out you could build an equivalent user points feature more quickly, cheaply and securely by just using a SQL database. Like, you know, Reddit’s existing karma system. 🙃


Liked Emelia 👸🏻 (
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Mmm, I had the loveliest of birthdays! I made some new cute friends, hung-out with mates, saw a fav person of mine, etc. Oh, and I looked like the cutest gothic lolita birthday princess you could imagine! 😸😸 Also thank you to everyone here who supports me who wished me a lovely birthday or sent me a gift, you're the best!