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having serious #AllThingsOpen FOMO today now thinking I should have gone even if it meant using my own budget
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
having serious #AllThingsOpen FOMO today now thinking I should have gone even if it meant using my own budget
So, if I were going to make a tech manifesto, it might be something like: - protocols not platforms - coops and unions - technology should not actively hurt us - people not users - seven generations, seven continents - free markets require antitrust enforcement
Earlier I was thinking about smaller companies that sell themselves to big ones, and how sometimes no one cares or even notices (e.g. 7digital) that they sold out, vs companies like Bandcamp or flickr where everyone freaks out. It’s a sign of how special the company is to the people who use it. If you’re starting a company, that should be your goal: to create something that would make people freak out and sad if you sold out. A business loved that much is an accomplishment that can’t be measured in $ I started SomaFM because I couldn’t find what I wanted to listen to on the radio. I wanted to create something i would love rather than simply found a startup to make a bunch of money. Creating/Doing something people care about is much better than “increasing shareholder value”.
It’s the return of Friendly Competition, America’s favorite Game Show! In this edition, Silent Carl gains a voice in the form of Chat GPT. Will the other contestants be friendly towards Carl GPT? Competitive with Carl? Neither? Both? Listen and find out!
sorry i just find it hilarious that either the nyt developed standards for their op-eds, or a fascist tech billionaire can’t buy their way into popular media
it’s funny that billionaires fascists are self publishing their own manifestos even the unabomber got in the nyt
There are people who are still alive who were alive when it was illegal to be gay. Actually, if you're reading this you're one of them because its STILL illegal to be gay in about 70 countries and in the USA in only the past few days culturally controlling figures like Matt Walsh have supported "conversion therapy" for gay and queer people. Do not take sexual diversity for granted. Because its violently coercive enemies don't. 🏳️🌈 #gay #lesbian #lgbt #lgbtq #trans #nonbinary #queer
Marc Andreessen's manifesto:
anyone who declares every problem can be solved by technology is not a serious person 🙄
Every single commit message can be “WIP” for all I care if commits are small changes of well factored, simple code driven by well-written tests co-authored by people having face to face conversations and each one is safely delivered to production.
Please stop referring to Copilot and ChaptGPT as an amazing pairing partner. If you think your mob/pairing partner is there to help you type code in then you’ve misunderstood the real value of mobbing/pairing.
If you're fairly old & grew up in the UK you'll probably find this site fascinating
Attached: 1 image The past two nights I wrote a "thread reader app" for BlueSky. Oh boy. The protocol is absolutely insane. RPC galore, responses are only partially typed. The docs are pretty much useless. But the "funniest" part is this: there's no privacy. And I don't mean missing DMs. All your posts are available through API endpoints. Without any authentication. By design. The "invite-only" thing may have you think otherwise. Here are my last 100 posts.
Between and I took 7674 steps.
Something I love about [govulncheck
] ( is that it tries to find usages of code paths that would trigger a vulnerability so it's a more effective scan, and now I wish that every CVE scanner supported it now 😅
but seriously i think with marc andreessen going full-on jackbooted fascist with his fingers in all the cryptocurrency and machine learning artificial intelligence pies, we get a free pass at an "i told you so" when we say that all of this stuff is a stalking horse for the advancement of white supremacy
Major VC writes manifesto: "Building the Torment Nexus is Good, Actually."
ROFL WTF 🤣 I know what the 16 in a16z stands for now: this could have been written by a 16 year old libertarian.
Attached: 1 image Not my meme, but still
Watching S7E1 of Rick and Morty. The new voices aren't quite right, but on the plus side, they're also not being voiced by an abusive sex pest.
What I love about Silicon Valley venture capitalists is that that they love being loud and wrong. If I had spent the last few years shilling crypto as the next big thing in tech only for a bunch of my portfolio companies to turn out to be Ponzi schemes & grifts, I’d never write publicly again. I definitely wouldn’t write Bond villain style speeches about how AI ethics and trust & safety teams at tech companies are the enemy preventing you from colonizing the stars. 😬
It happened here on Mastodon for the first time: I got made angry by something other people were angry about, and which *I would never have heard of it wasn’t for other people being angry*. Social media induced rage has arrived in my happy place. :(
We disclosed this #hackerone report against #curl when someone asked Bard to find a vulnerability, and it hallucinated together something:
IF your product is available under an #OpenSource license and some other company uses it to create a more compelling product offering than your own, THEN the problem is **not** the license or open source, it's that your company is failing at doing #business as well as your competitor is.
It is tempting to dismiss that manifesto as incoherent and self-serving, but it is important to remember that this it is also a list of beliefs the founders of tech companies will need to recite if they want investment money from that guy and his friends.
It's okay to publish code under a free software / open source license without starting a "project". Not every act of sharing code for others to use and/or build on is a "project". Which is something …(
I’ll write a fuller response later, but when billionaire tycoons who profit from genocide say that they want to become “supermen” while explicitly endorsing colonialism, that’s not optimism. That’s fascism with a smile. I actually make stuff, and help other people make stuff, and genuine optimism (technological or not) looks like community, nurturing, organizing and empowering — not indulging billionaires who profit from genocide.
Attached: 1 image scientific breakthrough: a thermometer that can tell the temperature with no sensors needed by measuring the proximity between my two cats, who do not normally like to snuggle with one another, you can tell that the heat in my house is broken #cats #catsofmastodon
Attached: 1 image #NoBillionaires
According to Google Search Console, this little web app of mine is performing very well! All it does is tell you which London borough you’re in, which is apparently something that hundreds of people search for every month!
sorry but I won't let tech bros take the term "optimist" and turn it into their own thing
Nothing depresses me like the knowledge that I am going to have to spend some of my precious workday reading a manifesto.
Dear #OpenSource contributors: do not reformat the code. It takes a second to run the formatter, but it requires hours to review the massive patch to ensure there aren't any bad changes hiding among all the spaces and brackets moved around.
It's an "use this custom API that we built" instead of "follow this standard that worked since the 1990s" kind of day.
So many men’s first instinct is to be condescending, because they think it will immediately place them in a power position over me. But, like, you just told me this interaction matters to you – and you’re emotionally invested in winning it for some reason. With that knowledge alone I could crush you, baby boy
[The CEO of Hashicorp speaks after the BSL shenanigans]( > He claimed that “My phone started ringing materially after we made our announcement from every open source startup in Silicon Valley going ‘I think this is the right model’.” I'll take "shit that definitely didn't happen" for $1,000
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is used to load webpages using hypertext links, and it’s the foundation of the web. Tim Berners-Lee famously created HTTP version 0.9 in 1989, and defined the essential behavior of a client and a server. Version 1.0 was eventually finalized in 1996, and its secure variant called HTTPS is
In this episode, the CHAOSScast team is back! Georg Link, Dawn Foster, Sean Goggins, Matt Germonprez, and Elizabeth Barron discuss the relaunch of the podcast after taking a short break. They delve into the fascinating world of open source community health, focusing on metrics, metric models, and the CHAOSS Project’s role in measuring the health of open source communities. They share insights on how they’re working to make metrics more accessible and how they interpret these metrics within the context of specific projects. Additionally, they highlight the Data Science Initiative, the growth of CHAOSS community chapters worldwide, and their initiative to improve newcomer experience and promote diversity and inclusion in open source. Download this episode now to find out much more!
On October 11th, WireMock Inc together with the London Java Community organised a hack day in our new office in London. This event was held as a part of Hacktoberfest. We got 16 participants and worked together on a few projects like YAML configuration support in WireMock, OpenTelemetry integrations, improving documentation and Kotlin DSL, and more.
Change your pronouns frequently, make sure they aren't easily guessed and use different ones for different accounts
Attached: 1 image I’m joining the war on conventional changelogs (or whatever other names they go by)
I'm way too old to realize that people can't read me (which, come on, should be no surprise, kids never got me either) - I have realized that a bunch of people in my life think I am unhappy with them. When the truth is: I am in absolute awe of them, and feel deeply deficient in comparison. It does not help that I never realized this. How does one convince people that you think they are wonderful? Asking for a me.
Brian Proffitt is the Senior Manager of Community Outreach at Red Hat’s OSPO. In this episode, we connect at the Open Source Summit EU to discuss how Brian uses events to drive both lead generation and community-building efforts. Throughout our conversation, Brian describes how measuring the ROI...
What’s funny about being non-binary is that, to me, I’m the normal one. I think our whole thing just kind of works, no? You’re all just being silly about colors and stuff. We’re the main characters of gender, just admit it.
The United States is like a villain from a scooby doo episode. In every episode the “monster” is a person of color, or illegal immigrant, or an LGBTQ person. But when they catch the “monster” and pull its mask off. It’s old man US government every god damn time.
My supervisor complains that everyone is sick on any given day half the office is empty and yet he has noticed that I am always at my desk so he asks what my secret is and so I reply that I must be lucky as I adjust the straps on my mask.