IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Ana Rodrigues (
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I’m so happy to have been featured in the latest edition of the beautiful You can still sign up to their newsletter or subscribe to the RSS feed and check the previous editions on the website. But here’s my contribution to it 💛


Liked J (
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Deactivated my Microsoft account. That'll be over a decade of games, achievements, history, email and the like all gone once it's done. That was not an easy choice to make. And now I'll be alienating myself from anyone who plays on there. I still have my 360 (and a bunch of games to play on) so I'll keep that but I'll probably look to homebrew it so I can pull my stats into a SQLite database somewhere. I'm at the point now where I care a lot less if I "miss out". It'll be on Steam (because PC gaming - though still a cliff, once climbed - brings it to everyone) or GOG or what have you. I'm putting my faith into PC gaming, too. It's what got me into gaming (on library computers) and it's what keeps me interested. Never had a PlayStation so never had to worry about that. (


Liked Christopher Biggs (
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I just tooted, in regard to the long ago removal of RSS feeds from Twxtter, Fxcebook etc, that they “shit those down to enhance lock-in”. I meant “shut those down” not “shit those down” but now in my headcanon “to shit down” means to enshittify a product by removing a feature that is beloved to users but obstructs profit-maximization.


Liked Josh Simmons (
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Switching back to Firefox as my daily driver has not been without incident. I still can't rely on it for video calls (audio goes weird, apparently a regression was introduced recently), and it's crashy in a lossy way. I haven't had to put this much effort into restoring my tabs in years 😅 The sharp edges are worth it given the tradeoffs (weighing up privacy and the value of browser engine diversity), but my goodness I hope this gets better.


Reposted Tim Perry (
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The situation is wild! In short: when installing the Cypress npm package, on postinstall it checks what other packages you installed, and you're using any packages they don't like (e.g. tools for self-hosting that compete with their cloud service) then it refuses to run. More detailed summary from here: Very hard to argue your product is good if you have to actively block your customers from even testing alternatives! Yikes.