IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Bit gutted to have received my official rejection from speaking at GitHub Universe, after being on the "alternate" (backup) list of speakers, but still chuffed to have made it that far! 1600+ talks proposed this year apparently 🙀


Liked Gabriel Snyder (
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Attached: 1 image Substack’s core pitch is that it wants to bring back the golden age of blogging by using the same social media/creator economy incentives that undid the golden age of blogging. The dissonance pains my brain every time I run across it in their marketing.


Liked No more 404 by Remy Sharp 
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As with any ageing blog, _some_ of my outbound links are hitting either 404s or domains that are no longer active. It's understandable given that my blog is ar…


Liked ankur sethi is alive and well (
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i just added a page to my personal website that catalogs all the books, music, and games that are deeply important to me in some way. i'm calling it The Loved List, shamelessly stealing the term from Anthony Fantano's website. maybe one day i'll turn this into a nice gallery of sorts, with cover art and links and metadata and all sorts of bells and whistles. for now, a plain list is all i have the time to do. #indieweb #webdev #blog


Liked Random Geek (
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Tell the person you love that you love them. This reminds them that the world can be a beautiful place. Tell them by popping out from the corner you weren't in just a moment ago, giving them a mild heart attack and reminding them that the world is surprising and dangerous. Also, sorry @IamMrsGeek


Liked james (
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Did #slack get rid of the ability to customise theme by Hex Code? Weirdly I can click "share" and get a copy of the hexcodes, but there's nowhere to set new ones that I can see? Every day Slack works further away from the independent non-corporate vibe we all used to appreciate.


Liked james (
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Hark! A person with #ADHD has decided that this will definitely be the time they will become focused and organised. The other 56 attempts were just a practice run and don't count. What are your favourite - Time trackers - Website/App blockers - Pomodoro Apps - Apps like Obsidian but not Obsidian - Organisational tools - Focus tools OSX/iOS and Websites :) :blobcatreading: