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Attached: 1 image This new image from the James Webb #Space Telescope shows the spectacular Orion Nebula, packed with thousands of budding stars at ~1,300 light-years away.

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
Attached: 1 image This new image from the James Webb #Space Telescope shows the spectacular Orion Nebula, packed with thousands of budding stars at ~1,300 light-years away.
Attached: 1 image A slide from a presentation I just finished.
Attached: 1 image I love how these casually genderswapped images illustrate how weird things are, and hint at how we could do better
Attached: 1 image
> "Fixed leaving a specific type of item on a certain craft causing the item to disappear under certain circumstances" Gotta love the spoiler-free #OuterWilds changelog.
Today is the one-year anniversary of when I quit sharing personal milestones on Mastodon.
My decision to start a capital-B Blog (as opposed to microblogging, which I've been doing since I was a wee one on The Tumbler) was largely spur-of-the-momen...
Attached: 1 image Both the angel and devil on your shoulder agreeing to get off X
Stéphane Graber's website -
Dawn Foster, Director of Open Source Community Strategy at VMware, is a champion of community strategy and development. A doctor of Philosophy, Foster is well-versed in the understanding of collaboration and leverages her mountain of knowledge to fight for the health of maintainers in open-source...
Interview went well. They seemed to like me. Course, them liking me is rarely the problem. *Hiring* me is where everybody seems to get confused. So, fingers remain crossed.
Attached: 1 image usb tier list
Today a girl in my pole class invited me to her 21st birthday party and now I will diminish and go into the West.
Attached: 2 images Not quite what I expected the result of this decision to be
i have outright deleted a major patchset i wrote for a project under stewardship, which someone else is probably going to write again in a year or two, because i realized the project had a real-name policy, and decided it wasn't worth it. i then lost motivation for the cool thing i was working on that needed me to write that patch this is not the intended effect of a "real-name" policy, but it is the actual effect. and, as the cool kids say, "the system is what it does". there is no such thing as a "real name". the concept of a "legal name" is fraught, and most certainly is not what you think it is, or what you are looking for, if you are a software developer. many assumptions you have about what a "legal name" is probably are not true. consider this: the name on my birth certificate is different than the name on my drivers license, and that is different from the names i am called by my friends. those names are all different from what is likely to be on my passport when i get it, and all of those are different than the name i publish my open source projects under. all of these, in different jurisdictions, might or might not be something you could consider a "legal name". which one do you want me to use when i submit a major feature to your library? are you going to turn me away if i try to submit it as "linear cannon"? why? if i have a website and contact information under that name, why does this matter? how is it substantially different than an author of fiction novels publishing under a pen name? does it change if i produce a piece of government-issued documentation with that name on it? why, or why not? if your real name policy does not answer these questions adequately, then there's a very good chance i'm just going to assume that you're going to turn me away, as has happened to me several times already RE: it would be nice if it were actually as easy to contribute to free/open source software as the developers and maintainers of such software claim it is but meritocracy is a lie, and bullshit policies and procedures (see: "real name" policy) scare away minorities who might otherwise do important work
Attached: 1 image FINALLY
Spotify is relentlessly adding new features at an impressive rate, none of which I have any desire to ever use. But an ‘I’d like to listen to this album/song at a later time of my choosing’ feature still doesn’t exist.
I’ll never forget that Marie Kondo had kids and then said fuck that noise
Bart Farrell is a content creator and community leader in the public speaking world. Based in Spain, he has developed a massively popular platform through podcasting and consulting as a nontechnical person in a technical space.In this episode, Farrell breaks down the ins and outs of public...
Between and I took 8303 steps.
For anyone using oapi-codegen, note that v2 is coming soon, but that it's a very minor breaking change that 🤞🏽 shouldn't affect you at all!
As with all recipes on this blog, they’re designed to be easily made, tasty, and not elaborate. I’ll also not put lengthy backstories for them. I was in Exeter yesterday and stumbled into Brewdog where I discovered their delicious loaded fries. So today, I had a go at making something similar. The amount I used here could be shared between four people as a chunky sharing starter. Scale it down for a main meal or snack.
Attached: 1 image hey guysss what do you think of my new web design? :3
It's delightful to see that some communities that build Free and Open Source software still evolve their license terms the way we used to: getting consent from past contributors and doing the careful hard work. #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OSS
ffmpeg stands for the fast & the furious: motion picture experts group
Full stack developer, as in "my stack is full, please don't try to push anything else or my behavior will be undefined"
Full stack developer, as in "my stack is full, please don't try to push anything else or my behavior will be undefined"
u ever think it was fucked up that the <abbr> element is abbr'd
The security team at work sent round a load of capture the flag exercises for cybersecurity awareness week and I have never been so thoroughly nerdsniped
Kim McMahon is the leader of Open Source Marketing & Community at Outshift by Cisco, which is Cisco’s emerging technologies and innovation unit. We recorded this episode at Open Source Summit EU, and talked about Kim’s strategies and tactics related to helping guide users to the correct edition...
This week I’m chatting with Steven Renwick, CEO of Tilores. As you’ll hear in the episode, we connected when I mistook Tilores for an open-source company. Steven graciously agreed to come on the show to discuss why they decided against making the product open source — which is actually a...
My whole body cringes when I think about Elon Musk even for a fleeting second. What a mortifying person.
can this be illegal 📎
Go client library for accessing the Backstage REST API - GitHub - tdabasinskas/go-backstage: Go client library for accessing the Backstage REST API
I know "I hope this message finds you well" is a normal way to start an email, but what about if I am in fact not well? Am I supposed to say thanks but this message didn't find me well??
Between and I took 8326 steps.
On September 29th, Netflix shipped its final DVDs, marking the end of an era in physical media. So, we invited our friend Christina Warren (aka film_girl) from GitHub to pour out a drink with us and lament the end of this golden age of access to the films we all love.
Your salary is just your employer's monthly subscription of you.
Huge congrats 💜
Attached: 4 images Did a thing yesterday :)
Attached: 1 image Spend the weekend digging into some #Hacktoberfest projects? Did you realize you don't know how to get started as an open source contributor? Check out's _Forge Your Future With Open Source: Did you realize that you don't know how to organize your existing project? Check out my _Program Management for Open Source Projects_: Both are 30% off when you use code HACKTOBERFEST23 at checkout through the end of the month! #ad #OpenSource
ok ok the Council is gonna flay me for this but I can't keep it a secret any longer. the trans agenda is really about making it so ANYONE can transition to be their true selves and it's already too late to stop us so I think it's time we come clean
Reminder about private messages: someone with admin access can read your private messages. Oh you thought I was talking about Mastodon? No, I was talking about email.