Post details

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
“My god. The weapon is armed, the countdown has begun, and the only known copy of the override code is stored on this old Nokia 5510 with an empty battery. We’re doomed.” “Everybody chill the fuck out. I got this. Just gotta crack open the old cable drawer. Here you go.” “You have a Nokia 5510 charger, but why?! That phone hasn’t been sold in over 20 years!” “Let’s just say, I always knew this day would come.” “Wow. Your decision to never throw away cables just saved humanity honey…honey…time to wake up honey…”
Was a good listen, thanks for the recommendation 😁
Thank you to this week's sponsor, Koyeb!Go 1.21.2 & 1.20.9 released. Upgrade yesterday!💻 Hacktoberfest is happening nowHow to participateGo projects participatingProposals🔀 Accepted: testing: shuffle seed should be different when -shuffle=on and -count flag is setPreviously discussed in episode...
Ben explores how JSON Schema is shaping the development stack and its potential impact on various industries.
JSON output from a shell. Contribute to jpmens/jo development by creating an account on GitHub.
Listen to Ep 185: Florence Pugh from Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster. It’s another guest we’ve been trying to book since day one: Florence Pugh – the Oscar-nominated star of ‘Little Women’, ‘Black Widow’ and ‘A Good Person’ – joins us in the Dream Restaurant. And James tries not to bring up ‘Midsommar’ fan theories. SPOILER ALERT: there are ‘Midsommar’ spoilers aplenty. HEALTH WARNING: obviously, never take Calpol (or any other drugs) with alcohol. Obviously. Florence Pugh stars in ‘A Good Person’ which is in cinemas now and on Sky Cinema on 28 April. Follow Florence on Instagram @florencepugh and Twitter @florence_pughRecorded and edited by Ben Williams for Plosive.Artwork by Paul Gilbey (photography and design) and Amy Browne (illustrations).Follow Off Menu on Twitter and Instagram: @offmenuofficial.And go to our website for a list of restaurants recommended on the show.Watch Ed and James's YouTube series 'Just Puddings'. Watch here.
I don't know how many biscuits it takes to be happy, but so far it's not twenty three.
Attached: 1 image they made a play about website now!? 😮
Gordon Freeman was 27, what’s your excuse?
Finally home after an awesome #DDDEastMidlands Great talks, great people, great chats! 💙
If you are against public carry of guns, but also think Jedi should be allowed to walk around with lightsabers for “religious reasons,” I’m sorry I cannot take you seriously.
This discord server could have been a forum post This discord server could have been a single .txt on gamefaqs
I appreciate that infosec Twitter moved pretty effectively over to Mastodon, but woo boy is this not the place to go when I want useful updates when a war breaks out.
Between and I took 10266 steps.
convert string with ANSI color codes into a styled html pre tag. Latest version: 1.0.3, last published: 30 minutes ago. Start using ansi-to-pre in your project by running `npm i ansi-to-pre`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using ansi-to-pre.
Had a great time today at #DDDEastMidlands seeing friends old and new! Learned some stuff, ate some good food, indoctrinated many a person into starting blogging 🤓
Attending my 1st conf of 2023 (that too, one that's local to Nottingham) in the shape of had me wandering back into the wonder of it all ♥ Grateful to & Moreton. I wish them the best of luck in passing the baton; looking forward to attending again in 2024! #dddeastmidlands
What a wonderful day it's been at today Made new friends, caught up with old friends, and got to hang out with friends that I've only known on a screen for years now My social spell slots are all empty, but my soul is full from wonderful company and conversations Thank you for a wonderful event, and my first in-person keynote! and many more, you're wonderful 💖 #DDDEastMidlands
Lovely to catch up with friends at #DDDEastMidlands. I’ve been inspired to write more thanks to; I learned some new things about microservices; and’s talk about robots twisted my arm into buying a Raspberry Pi Pico! Great read. I needed to hear the bit on not striving for perfectionism!
i've spent the last many months focussing all my energy into surviving in real life, so i've not been keeping my lifenotes up to date. i did take notes though, so now that i'm feeling a little better i've caught up with them:
Attached: 1 image Programmers fallacies about postcodes: - A postcode covers a small geographic area - A postcode is good enough to locate an end user for generating location suggestions - A postcode will be in a single timezone - A postcode only has a single state - A postcode has no exclaves/enclaves I would like you to meet 0872. Australia's largest postcode (I think), covers 3 states, has two cut outs (Warbuton and Alice Springs), and even still some mail outside of this area is routed via 0872
The first(?) season of Ahsoka's show wrapped up this week. I'm glad I decided to finish Star Wars Rebels before starting this one, as it ends up being largely a continuation of the ending of Rebels. …
I should not be needing to wear shorts for comfort in *October*
Thanks! Please do, I always need more folks to follow 👀
Attached: 1 image starting off he is telling us his blogging history impressive numbers so great he shares so wide ❤️
Thanks for those who came to my talk all about #blogging at #DDDEastMidlands! My slides can be found linked to on my talks site and there's a blog post writeup for the talk, too 😜
arrived at #DDDEastMidlands a false name and a false email is good enough to get you on to the NTU-guest wifi but you will need the prescribed username and password which you are then given it is valid for 2 devices max (yes, I have 3 devices, and hence 2 sets of credentials)
Attached: 1 image I’m on my way to #dddeastmidlands today. It’ll be great to see some friends from the #Umbraco community there as well as some of my podcaster friends and people I’ve met from the Nottingham Tech community.
Attached: 1 image Too soon, still too soon! But we are off! Just a few minutes until our keynote from #dddeastmidlands #eastmidlandstech
Between and I took 5911 steps.
Attached: 1 image Let’s go #DDDEastMidlands 🎉
Attached: 1 image
Attached: 1 image Anya would like to say good morning, and requests head bumps and ear scratches. #cat #caturday #catsofmastodon
Attached: 1 image The existence of a meatball sub implies the existence of a meatball dom.