Between and I took 8366 steps.
IndieWeb post types
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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Does anyone have any resources for managing neurodiverse people at work? I have an autistic+ADHD pal who needs support and adjustments made in how they work (e.g. better ways of tracking hours, trouble with being interrupted during a task, looming existential dread at unplanned meetings and most of all difficulty articulating needs) and it would be great to send them something they can show their manager.
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Train OH: (from a stereotypical looking "lad" to some very "lad"ish friends) "and yeah so Brighton is great cos you've got like everyone coexisting, like you're out on the town right and there's everyone out, trans people, everyone, and it's like no big deal" (to which another "lad" replied) "yeah man like it should be, it's chill" Tiny bit of faith restored in UK society
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In conversation w a friend, she was surprised when I said we won't have electricity after social collapse. She asked "why? What happens to electricity?" I had to then explain that infrastructure needs people to maintain and if things fall apart, nobody will keep the generators going or the wires in check. She seemed surprised by this. Is this why people don't seem worried about what's coming? They have no idea??? I was trying to hide my shock that I had to explain this to someone who isn't a child. I think I take too much for granted and assume too much of people's ability to be logical. Now her obsession with social issues at the expense of #ClimateCrisis makes sense. I was always wondering how someone on the left would not care about collapse. I have tried to explain before that as much as I share her concerns about the many dire issues that do need dealing with, none of it matters if climate change causes collapse. Then we won't have social housing, or equity, or any of the other things she cares about. (she was even part of a group that protested demanding "affordable gas") Her look of shock finally helped me realize that she has absolutely no idea what #ClimateCollapse means. No idea. I've been arguing with her all these years and she's had no idea. I don't even know what to say. There's no way she's the only one. Lots of well intentioned people say "yes climate is important but....". I am here to tell you that none of those other issues will even exist in the face of climate and social collapse. I don't know if the average person can even image the number of deaths that we are facing when the society we built loses electricity.
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The longer I spend in the software industry the more I think that the primacy of "don't repeat yourself," in all its many forms and scales, is a tragic flaw. I think it is far, far harder than most anyone would like to admit, to write something that is usefully and sustainably reusable over any but the shortest distances in space and time.
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The days feel like they're zooming by...
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Is everybody ready for their gender presentations today? 🧐
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Attached: 1 image I have waited two years, ten months, and fifteen days for the perfect moment to unleash this as a reaction image. 🫡

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I'm out now. No more hiding. I get to grow breasts and wear dresses and cute shoes! Oh, that shower scene from childhood actually happened? Shit. Oh, "Running Pussy" was a high school nickname that really fucked me up? Shit. Oh, I can't actuall buy cute shoes because I'm a monster. Shit. Oh, people literally want me dead. Shit. Oh, some of those people are related to me and say they love me while *still* wanting me dead. Shit. Oh, I have no idea what my sexuality is and if I try to figure it out I'm a freak. Shit. Oh, this idea pretty much destroyed my life. Shit. Oh, I'm supposed to be so much happier now? Well shit.
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Keep this handy for future use!
If self promotion is allowed, I'd like to say that I've been working on 🙌🏽
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Content warning: yelling about the passage of time
What have I been upto this afternoon you ask? Writing a tool with #Playwright to allow me to delete all my posts on #Twitter without using an external service. Blog post hopefully this weekend (once I've ironed out the many bugs) 👀
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Attached: 1 image Don't remember where I found this but I think about it a lot.

Schitt's Creek 💜
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Content warning: Trans thing, a question & mental imagery
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Attached: 1 image Good news! It looks like the noise you have all made has convinced Philips Hue to reconsider. They will not force data sharing on user accounts, according to their response in this The Verge article. We do await the exact changes to their policy.

I've been building that capability in dependency-management-data, an Open Source project - this then gives you an SQLite database you can query ie at which also has the ability to track things like End of Life dependencies or add your own advisories to flag things too
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Attached: 1 image

Looks so 😋
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Attached: 1 image just wanna brag that i made a breakfast tortilla thing with all the random bits i needed to finish in my fridge, and it turned out ✨ banging ✨

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Between and I took 8735 steps.
That being said, I'm excited to be talking at two conferences in October:
- DDD East Midlands next week, with a new talk This talk could've been a blog post
- TechMids in a few weeks, with a full-length version of Quantifying your reliance on Open Source software
Hope to see some of you there!
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Someone fork Rubocop and rename it ACAB, please. #ruby
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If you made $10,000 every day and never spent a cent, from the time the Declaration of Independence was signed, to the time you are reading this, you would still not have a billion dollars. Tax billionaires out of existence. And actually redistribute the wealth to the people.
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How RSS works: You post a blog post and RSS puts it on a window sill like a pie and then the stink lines come over to me –a cartoon cat– and I levitate and flutter like a dolphin in the air following the stink lines to the window sill and eat the pie for free.
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The fedi isn't like email. The fedi is like if you accidentally triple booked a bdsm convention, a FSF convention, and a communist workers AGM all in the same german arena
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For anyone who is considering it for their own org, I shifted my org to a four day workweek several months ago, just as others globally are starting to (including, civil servants in Scotland!) 100% endorse. We are getting the same amount of work done because we are less bored, stressed and tired. We all take off Fridays. Everyone’s pay remained the same. Some people use the time for a paid second gig. Others to volunteer or like me, to read a book with a cat snuggled near by. #4dayworkweek

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"please explain this gap in your resume" i am very bad at css

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if ur api is restful how come i tired . check mate programmr
Between and I took 8179 steps.
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It’s no surprise to anyone that I prefer reading peoples’ long-form thoughts to tweets or pithy social media posts. Microblogging is interesting for quick, in-the-now status updates, but I find myself …
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Sick today. 🤧 Send personal websites!
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It's not "agile" unless it's from the Átlassian region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling chaos
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I would love to congratulate on the new Raspberry Pi 5 launch but they blocked me and a bunch of others for suggesting that hiring an undercover police officer to build surveillance tech would seem a bit dodge. #RaspberryPi #RaspberryPi5
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Content warning: negativity, corporate bullshit, copaganda, Raspberry Pi
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How do I begin to explain to you why surveillance cops are bad, and why #RaspberryPi hiring an ex spy cop _because_ he used Pis for surveillance and deciding all the criticism came from an organised dogpile and not from marginalised people with something to lose from police surveillance was bad? And why their reaction of immediately blocking everyone and whining to the media was bad? Anyway, that’s why I can’t buy a Raspberry Pi 5
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Baffling timing for Epic layoffs, I would have thought they’d want to be sending “having our shit together” vibes following the Unity saga
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I'm not just saying this because I'm on the OpenUK board ... State of Open Con last year was amazing, and I expect it to be even better in 2024! Open source software, open data, and open hardware all in one event. As a bonus, it's on the Tuesday after FOSDEM, so we can all travel together on the Eurostar from Brussels to London on Monday 😁
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Content warning: Berlin being lewd and weird
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If you have to fire 16% of your company because you made bad decisions, why exactly should you keep YOUR job?
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hey sorry I missed your text, I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave
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*slaps roof of codebase I worked on two years ago* you can fit so much okay what the fuck like what fuck is the who fuckin who did this lmao now what in the fuck goin on here in this puppy