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This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
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Content warning: Clinical/non-gory description of successful tooth extraction
Oh no I documented how to restart the service on the service that is down and needs restarting
Attached: 2 images This is still the pinnacle of graphic design
I've been asked to comment on what I think the biggest tech trend in 2024 will be? Short answer: Slavery and let me tell you why. Data is the lifeblood that allows any machine learning model to perform its task. It’s not magic. It’s not the so-called “AI” being intelligent or intuitive. It’s statistics. And as the tech sector delves into rapid developments of specialised LLMs that they can further commoditise, they will require vast amounts of diverse data to train—leading to what some have called as data hunting. And unfortunately, all of us who have posted even a single piece of content online are all part of this—whether we like it or not. We are now part of a universal digital sweatshop that transcends international borders. Our labour is ignored and uncompensated based on the capitalist belief that since we shared content freely, companies have the right to monetise it whenever they want. Time and time again, as we have seen in recent news, companies have collected our data without explicit consent. And when they do ask for ‘consent’, they give us word salad in the user agreements or just ask us to opt our way out of the inferno that they manufactured. The aggressive collection of data paves the way for a future where a few corporations will have disproportionate control over vast datasets, which they can exploit for unwarranted targeted advertising, surveillance and practices that would reinforce biases or unfairly influence individual choices and behaviours. And let’s not forget the second step in the process where people (they call as taskers), mostly from the Global South, are hired for 2 USD a day to classify images, videos and texts so that your LLMs will not spew out gibberish. This is the reality behind your glamorous “AI” models. While “AI” companies in the developed world reap huge profits, the groundwork is outsourced to workers in Bangladesh, Kenya, the Philippines and India. But it is fine, isn’t it? As long as we don’t see them. Out of sight, out of mind.
I partially updated mine recently but there's still a large swathe of blogs I need to add back into it 😅
I really do need to update my blogroll. Yeah maybe only 3 people will be on it, but I need to start there, sigh.
Between and I took 6320 steps.
Thank you to this week's sponsor, Koyeb!🆕 Go 1.21.1 & 1.20.8 released⚒️ Related: Tool dependencies proposal has been accepted, and here's the design document link. We got you covered ;)🎫 Conference updates🇮🇳 GopherCon India TOMORROW - shoutout Rishi Chandwani for bringing it to our attention🇬🇧...
Hope it goes well 🤞🏽 if it helps I had four out in one go once and didn't even need any paracetamol or anything stronger after 😁
After *years* of mild bemusement about why an adult would enjoy building Lego, my wife has suddenly become obsessed with building Lego, and has decided she needs to buy ’the biggest ever Lego set’. Although she does still insist on calling it Legos because she knows how much it infuriates me.
Workers: DO NOT OVERWORK YOURSELF to avoid getting laid off. - You’re damaging your life and health. - Your employer doesn’t actually notice (no, really, they don’t.) - Your behavior enables future mismanagement of resources. - When layoffs come, you’re gonna get laid off anyway. Remember that a company’s job is to extract maximum work from you for minimum pay, so your job is to extract maximum pay for minimum work. Somewhere in the middle, both parties find an equilibrium that they agree on. Do not voluntarily modify your side of the bargain to your detriment. #FridayDevAdvice
cool fact: the original luddites didn’t oppose technology but rather the bosses using new tech to disenfranchise workers! the bosses then had the luddites murdered in the streets and their arguments were replaced with “tech bad 🤢” to prevent others from carrying on their challenge to industrial authorities
It's important you run three antivirus. 1 from USA to detect FSB, 1 from Russia to detect NSA, and 1 from Finland to detect Sweden.
Attached: 1 image Still laughing
"It takes a village" is not just about raising children. It's also about marriages, living with people, friendships, and any form of relationship and nurturing growth in a community. Marriages and long term relationships need support too. #CommunitiesMatter #FindYourVillage
🆕 blog! “Who reads my blog?” Hello! Thank you for reading what I write. Sorry to ask, but… who are you? I was chatting to a friend about what it is like running a blog, finding new topics, keeping up with a daily schedule, moderating comments, etc. And they asked, quite reasonably, "who are your readers?" And, honestly, I have very […] 👀 Read more: ⸻ #blogging #meta
Attached: 3 images This is my new favorite thing! Artist Ememem takes cracks in sidewalks, walls and other urban environments and fills them with colorful, mosaic tiles. The results are just joyous. Boy, I really love this. I could see myself doing stuff like this after I retire, maybe I can apprentice. 😂 #Art #Artwork #StreetArt Their website: Their Instagram:
Attached: 1 image Less than one month to go! 📆 Are you ready for DDD East Midlands Conference? Got your ticket? 🎟️ We'll have exhibitions from our awesome sponsors #MHR, #Motorpoint, #BJSS and #Cronofy, as well as Community Corner, Hacktoberfest Corner, Coffee from Cartwheel Coffee, 18 epic talks and more! Don't miss out! #DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper #dddeastmidlands #EastMidlandsTech
Here's my September 2023 Update: That's a brilliant point. Like people want to be immortal but are almost suicidally bored on rainy days.
Attached: 1 image i'll never get over the intense special interest required for someone to post this on imdb
Attached: 1 image Are you passionate about technology? I’m passionate about having my bills paid.
Attached: 1 image Do you want to see the most mindbogglingly stupid timestamp format? This is how the Oculus Quest renders dates in its file browser. And, yes, I have tried setting it to ISO8601 an/or 24 hour time. No luck. What kind of divot picks a single letter to represent a month? #meta #Oculus #VR
Between and I took 13302 steps.
Batman has the potential of being a hero by one very significant element (imo) that he isnt a billionaire in a sense that he made himself one from the ground up (as in he proactively, consciously got up the class ladder by exploiting people), but rather is a son to a billionaire family and has experienced first-hand trauma of a corrupt capitalist system that could be analyzed as his family being responsible for producing. I do believe that we can have an anti-fascist bruce wayne, there have been some deconstructive stories about him learning of his family's responsibility in the creation of the corrupt society that he was born into, and there is a hint of restorative justice in batman' stories. But even then, this is me giving a HUUUUUGE benefit of the doubt to batman as an archetype and i would be inclined to agree that my interpretation of batman would need extreme deconstruction of the character from the ground up to make him redeemable. Tags: #Batman
Web site: It looks like you’re blocking ads! Me: It looks like you’re blocking content.
Look at this chicken. 🐓 It's giant. It's bigger than a car! 🐓🚗 It's getting bigger! 🐓🏡 The horror. The horror. 🐓🗼 god help us all.. 🐓🌏
Attached: 1 image Exhausted and dehydrated, I slowly walk the last few steps. “This has to be it,” I think to myself. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes and turn the handle, whispering a little prayer as I step through. I open my eyes and the last trickle of hope leaks away. I am still in IKEA.
Two years ago, I posted my salary history - in an impulsive move - and I absolutely do not regret it. I know directly of some the great impact having this data has had (including leading to others sharing their own), and I'm so glad to be able to use my privilege to help others