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If you have to fire 16% of your company because you made bad decisions, why exactly should you keep YOUR job?
This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:
If you have to fire 16% of your company because you made bad decisions, why exactly should you keep YOUR job?
hey sorry I missed your text, I am processing a non-stop 24/7 onslaught of information with a brain designed to eat berries in a cave
*slaps roof of codebase I worked on two years ago* you can fit so much okay what the fuck like what fuck is the who fuckin who did this lmao now what in the fuck goin on here in this puppy
Attached: 1 video State of Open Con 24 is now live Volunteer now Submit to our CFP next week Buy 2 day tickets at £199 - community, unemployed and student tickets available free, apply to #stateofopencon #soocon24 #opensource #openhardware #opendata
Does the new Raspberry Pi 5 come with a cop, or have we all forgotten about that?
With the release + rebrand of Mend Renovate Community Edition (previously known as Renovate On Prem), I've updated my post on running it on to take into account the new config + naming
Mend Renovate On-Premises Documentation & Examples - GitHub - mend/renovate-ce-ee: Mend Renovate On-Premises Documentation & Examples
I'm interested in attending
.List of projects looking for new lead maintainers, either abandoned or just looking for someone else to lead. - GitHub - pickhardt/maintainers-wanted: List of projects looking for new lead maintain...
ElectricSQL is a project that offers a local-first sync layer for web and mobile apps, Ned Batchelder writes about the myth of the myth of “learning styles”, Carl Johnson thinks XML is better than YAML, Berkan Sasmaz defines and describes “idempotency” & HyperDX is an open source alternative Datadog or New Relic.
Sarah Rainsberger owns technical documentation at Astro. What was her path into open source and technology? It might surprise you. Sarah started as an avid user of the Astro project and turned it into a career. She chats with scott about how important technical writing and documentation is to the end user experience.
Stuart highlights invisible work in open source, emphasizing the importance of documenting and valuing such efforts.
Between and I took 6688 steps.
“Or alternately you could just pay me,” the maintainers reply. Sorry, I already bought all this cake
There really should be a thing where once a year all the people who rely on an open source library get together and throw the maintainers of that library a big party. With pizza and cake. The works 🫂💛
Bit gutted to have received my official rejection from speaking at GitHub Universe, after being on the "alternate" (backup) list of speakers, but still chuffed to have made it that far! 1600+ talks proposed this year apparently 🙀
What do you do when you've attached your sense of self to work, and work suddenly feels meaningless? In this talk, Amy explores burnout, purpose and making m...
Michael Quiqley from NetFoundry joins Natalie to discuss Zero Trust concepts, why they are important for secure systems & how to implement them in Go.
What's in an npm package? And can we make them smaller? I investigated how npm packages are compressed using gzip and what it might looking like to switch to a modern compressor like Brotli or zstd #node #nodejs #npm #javascript
In a recent study titled Usage and Attribution of Stack Overflow Code Snippets in GitHub Projects, an answer I wrote almost a decade ago was found to be the most copied snippet on Stack Overflow. Ironically it happens to be buggy.
Attached: 1 image Project manager: "What's technical debt? Explain it to me like I'm 6 years old" Devs:
Between and I took 4534 steps.
Attached: 1 image · Content warning: homophobic slur
Holy shit looks like the WGA pretty much got *everything it wanted*, including structural change. UNIONS WORK.
Attached: 1 image Substack’s core pitch is that it wants to bring back the golden age of blogging by using the same social media/creator economy incentives that undid the golden age of blogging. The dissonance pains my brain every time I run across it in their marketing.
As with any ageing blog, _some_ of my outbound links are hitting either 404s or domains that are no longer active. It's understandable given that my blog is ar…
i just added a page to my personal website that catalogs all the books, music, and games that are deeply important to me in some way. i'm calling it The Loved List, shamelessly stealing the term from Anthony Fantano's website. maybe one day i'll turn this into a nice gallery of sorts, with cover art and links and metadata and all sorts of bells and whistles. for now, a plain list is all i have the time to do. #indieweb #webdev #blog
Attached: 1 image I think about this a lot. Every game is a miracle. #GameDev
Hey, good job patching all your browsers for the latest WebP vulnerabilities (there's a new one today, btw). Know what probably didn't get updated? Yeah, all those Electron apps.
Tell the person you love that you love them. This reminds them that the world can be a beautiful place. Tell them by popping out from the corner you weren't in just a moment ago, giving them a mild heart attack and reminding them that the world is surprising and dangerous. Also, sorry @IamMrsGeek
Between and I took 15702 steps.