IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Joe Nash (
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The game dev and web industries have never felt so distant as they do right now, when one has spent the past week celebrating FOSS engines as a potential solution to being shafted by corporate overlords, whilst the other has spent that same week bullying OSS maintainers for not keeping pace with VC funded startups


Liked Matthias Ott (
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🔥#WordPress #ActivityPub #Plugin v1.0 by @pfefferle dropped: “Enter the fediverse with ActivityPub, broadcasting your blog to a wider audience! Attract followers, deliver updates, and receive comments from a diverse user base of ActivityPub-compliant platforms.” CC


Listened to Type War (what is it good for?) (JS Party #292)
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Love it or hate it, TypeScript is here to stay for the foreseeable future. But, what happens when widely adopted packages go completely Type free or remove TypeScript in favor of JS with type annotations? Join us to unpack these recent events with Rich Harris, creator of Svelte, as he walks us through the nuanced deci...


Liked Talk Notes: Advanced JSON Handling in Go by Jonathan Hall 
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For more content like this, buy my in-progress eBook, Data Serialization in Go⁠, and get updates immediately as they are added! This post contains links and notes for the presentation I gave on March 5, 2020, for the Golang Rotterdam meetup group. Download the slides in PDF format, or you can view the Go Present source file. Previous blog posts on related topics: “Slightly” custom marshaling JSON Arrays as Go structs


TIL that I can use my fingerprint to log in with i3lock-color🕵️ I thought it'd not worked before last time I looked, but similar to logging in on a TTY, I just need to enter an empty password, then I can auth via my fingerprint 👏