IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Matt Haughey 🦣 (
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I hate it when you follow a link to a really great blog post and you're two paragraphs in thinking oh my god this is really good but then a modal popup window from substack asks you to subscribe to this newsletter and you have to hit "continue reading" to finish and then you wonder if this great blog entry will last on someone else's service that may not be around in a few years


Liked Jessica (
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Attached: 1 image Hey I'm Jessica 👋 Previously Jess White, and have moved to a new account as I got married and changed my surname ✨ A few bullet points about me: - Day job is Senior Principal Architect - Director and co-founder of Conference - On the Board of Directors for the .NET Foundation - 4 X Microsoft MVP - Occasionally do the public speaking thing But I post about home life as well as tech life. Nice to meet you 😊


Listened to Ep136: Dan Moore by The Geek Within
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Today's guest is Dan Moore. He is the head of Devrel at FusionAuth and the author of "Letters To A New Developer", which is subtitled, What I Wish I Had Known When Starting My Development Career. Episode 136 on YouTube: You can engage Dan here: LinkedIn - Website - Book - Substack - The Geek Within can be found on several podcast platforms - List of past episodes:


This sounds like an interesting side project to work on 👀


Liked Chris Siebenmann (
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Current status: looking around for a test server that gives you scratch accounts that you can then enable TOTP MFA for, so you can test TOTP MFA clients so you can understand them and the tricks you can pull for TOTP authentication. There are public expendable-account test servers for email, but I imagine the MFA TOTP case is more obscure (and maybe requires more backend work).


Liked Terence Eden (
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Attached: 4 images Earlier this year we stayed at a hotel in Berlin. They had a little sign that said if we opted not to have our towels washed, they'd give us a present. On our last day, we were given a little packet of mixed seeds to plant when we got home. The results so far have been delightful 🥰 #BloomScrolling


Liked mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl (
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worse than touch interfaces are touchscreen interfaces. not only are they even more annoying because they usually have badly calibrated touch, but they all but promise that your UI will look like dated fugliness one year in. he rants, trying to hit the pixelated water symbol on a TFT with wonky LED backlight on what looks like a new coffee maker.


Liked Ian Cooper (
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I am helping out on project at work. I worked on the project when it started, and one decision we made was to store ADRs for design decisions local to the project within the repo Two years later, re-reading these is really helping me get up to speed on why some things work the way they do. In particular we had a mob exploration of the codespace and questions popped up which were answered by these ADRs.