IndieWeb post types

This content type is full of IndieWeb post types, which are all content types which allow me to take greater ownership of my own data. These are likely unrelated to my blog posts. You can find a better breakdown by actual post kind below:


Liked Nickolas Means (
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TIL the hard way that GitHub domain verification and GitHub Pages domain verification are separate things. Quite the footgun. I'm thankful for a security researcher who reached out about a hijackable subdomain rather than exploiting it. Post those responsible disclosure policies, friends!


Liked Joseph Nuthalapati :fbx: (
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From 's blog post > Independent FOSS developers do not owe anything to companies, including the slightest effort to "secure the software supply chain" for "consumers." As the licenses say, THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND …​ As somebody else on fedi once said, we ain't part of your corporation's supply chain because you didn't sign any agreement with us to that effect.


Liked Chris Siebenmann (
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I wonder how soon Github will start force-updating repositories for 'important software supply chain elements' whose developers have walked away from Github because of their policies and no longer push changes, bug fixes, security updates and so on to GH. I have other thoughts, but they boil down to 'software supply chain security demands seem like they're going to kill your free ride, enjoy what happens next'. In re:


Liked mnl mnl mnl mnl mnl (
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fellow white autistic tech dudebros, what is your relationship with privilege? I learned and then assumed that I'd often be the person with most privilege / automatic authority in a room due to those characteristics. I am now reckoning that this might have often not been the case, due to autistic traits: - speaking either too softly / too loudly - usually being the listener / question asker - looking boyish and weird - not having my shit under control because adhd - etc... #actuallyautistic


Liked Bodil (
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Ok, I cracked last night and upgraded my Starfield preorder so I could play it two days early. Not because I was terribly excited about it but because I couldn't stand not knowing whether it was a good game or not. And, well, I've put about two hours into it and it's honestly the most uninspired, unoriginal game I've played in a long time, the voice acting is bad, the writing is worse, the gameplay for the most part is Fallout 4 exactly and after 700 hours logged I'm a little done with Fallout 4, the space flight bit is like a less polished version of No Man's Sky except you can't fly down onto planets seamlessly—in 2023!—and the 3D engine has my GPU struggling above 90C with fans going like jet engines at medium settings where NMS easily stays below 80C at max settings and looks better at any setting, and I've already had one thermal shutdown event in addition to multiple crashes to desktop. So, basically, typical AAA game launch, will probably revisit in a couple of months when I'm in the mood for it and maybe it's less broken but right now the new NMS update sounds a lot more appealing. So, everyone going "it's Skyrim meets No Man's Sky," I don't know what you've been smoking, it's literally just Fallout 4 in space, and as far as space goes it's nothing like NMS, or even Mass Effect, just another tired Outer Worlds style rehash of the same tired SF clichés. Well, I suppose if you liked Outer Worlds you'll probably like this one too, in the same way a lot of people enjoy eating at McDonald's. It's just, with Baldur's Gate 3 so fresh in mind I guess I've come to expect a little more.


Listened to Configuring Identity - CoRecursive Podcast by Adam Gordon Bell 
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Today we go behind the scenes at Chef - the game changing infrastructure automation tool. Adam Jacob created Chef, and it became a massively popular DevOps tool. But despite Chef's success, Adam constantly battled self-doubt and finding his footing as a leader. In this raw episode, Adam shares how the pressure of going from sysadmin to startup CTO caused an... […]